Your greatest chess games.

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I'm not sure how popular this thread will be, but I think it would be fun. If you have documented chess games you have played that you are proud of, we'd love to see them! Just post the pgn, and we can discuss each of them. Also, if you find a professional game that particularly blows your mind, share it with us.

I'll go first. This was a blitz game in which I had a fairly cool mate. The whole thing gets kicked off with a bishop sacrifice. After I studied the game, I learned that it was not a sound sacrifice, and it could have been repelled with accurate play, but I'm still proud that I made it work. There is one move my opponent had even later on that would have forced me to take a perpetual check for a draw. In the heat of battle however, we both missed it. Can you find it? I'm playing white.

[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2009.4.30"]
[Round ""]
[White "Sam"]
[Black "Guest714390"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Result "1-0"]

1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3 exf3 5.Qxf3 h6 6.h3 e6 7.a3 a6 8.Be3
Be7 9.Bd3 Nc6 10.Nge2 Rb8 11.O-O O-O 12.Bxh6 gxh6 13.Qg3+ Kh8 14.Nf4 Rg8
15.Qe3 Qf8 16.Ne4 Nxe4 17.Bxe4 Bg5 18.h4 Bxf4 19.Qxf4 Qg7 20.Qxf7 Qxf7
21.Rxf7 Nxd4 22.Rh7# 1-0

Edit: There is no time control entered here because I had to save it in Chessmaster after the fact. Chessbase wont let you save unless you're a paying member, which I am not. The clock in game was seven minutes, with no time added on per move.
Just take it as you will, it's less painful I've found out :razz:. My greatest game was probably the fastest, capping his king with my bishop when our lines were barely out of their positions. My opponent wasn't a dumb guy either, lots of scholarships, I was awarded one of his though in a surprise upset.
It was played in the lobby of a hotel in which we were performing some jazz. I'm not a professional player either, the whole number and letter thing goes over my head.
Nf3, e4, etc. It is called algebraic notation. There are several ways to notate chess, but this is the most popular these days because of its simplicity.

Edit: And you still haven't answered. What do you play man?
It was a high school thing, it was also on the yearly tour, I think it was the one where we went to Banff. The only thing I know about the kind of stuff we played is that it wasn't the relaxing kind, the jazz version of vehicle was quite good. There were always two version of each song, one was the really really fast mode, the other was called following the conductor.
The faster one always sounded better much more upbeat.
My greatest chess game ever was when I helped one of my buddies win by stealing some of his opponent's pieces from the table without the opponent noticing.

Hey, why you are looking at me funny like that? :p

Alas, I cannot play chess. It seems complicated.

Well, actually, no one ever took the ****ing time to teach me so I've never had when to learn.
It's actually pretty easy to learn.

I suppose my greatest, and most annoying, game of chess was in year 4, playing my friend. I checkmated him in maybe 10 turns, where he started crying and said he wasn't ready.
If you would like to learn how to play chess, Bobby Fisher Teaches Chess is a great book for beginners. It teaches you basic movement as well as some important concepts. Once you are more advanced, study opening theory by finding a good book, watch lots of professional games, and practice practice practice.
Ha, I always win at chess in my school, all you need to know is king/queen gambit, and get those knights and bishops out, then move the pawn lines forward, castle the king in the corner, done =D.

My shortest game was probably like 10 moves, got my knight near the front line and a bishop on the side.
Since it doesn't seem like people have many games they have recorded, how 'bout we start? From now on, lets all notate our games as we play them. Just copy down the move order in algebraic notation as you guys play. When you're done, you can post the results here and we can analyze the game. We could all learn a lot from each other.

Varric said:
Ha, I always win at chess in my school, all you need to know is king/queen gambit, and get those knights and bishops out, then move the pawn lines forward, castle the king in the corner, done =D.

My shortest game was probably like 10 moves, got my knight near the front line and a bishop on the side.

You're having success with king's gambit? I'd love to see this.
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