Your favorite ascii based game.(Apart from dwarf fortress)

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I have spent most time with ADOM so I'll just simply answer that.

There are many other good ones too though, if I would start going through massive list of ASCII games I might find few other favourites too, but can't bother to think that much right now.
Liberal Crime Squad (made by the people who do DF)

I started off by selling brownies, but I didn't know why people were getting arrested, but then I put two and two together, and I said "ooooooohhhhh....sneaky"
Pharaoh Llandy said:
The Discworld MUD

Then ADOM.
Good to know there are other people here that play The Discworld Mud.

Liberal Crime Squad is good, looking forward to see what they do with the next version (The Jonathan Fox version).
Kobrag said:
I'm guessing you're after the Liberal Crime Squad link.

(You may already be running this version, as you mentioned Police totting MP5s)

If it was the Discworld Mud you were after:
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