SP - General You should be able to conspire with other Lords to get proposals passed

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We need the option to convince other Lords to support our stance on a proposal.
Once the proposal is made, it doesn't get immediately passed. Instead, you and other Lords get a few weeks to a month to consider it. During this period factions can form supporting it or going against it. They will go around trying to convince other Lords to support their stance on it. Lords can be convinced before making the proposal as well.
Once the time to think about it is over, every lord votes according to their stance.
You can convince a Lord either with money or promising to support one of their own stances on a policy.

Voting for who should get a fief should be the same. In Warband, when you capture a fief, you could send a message to your liege asking them to give it to you. If it wasn't granted to you, you could either accept their decision or rebel.
You could also go around asking other Lords their opinions on who should be granted the newly captured fiefs. You could either agree with them or convince them to support your claim instead.

I think it would be interesting if clans with similar ideologies could form factions within a kingdom that attempt to give fiefs to people in their own faction to increase their influence.
You could conspire to expel rival clans or even overthrow the ruler.
It would make kingdom politics much more interesting.
Maybe we could even get internal politics within a clan where one of the members wants to overthrow the clan head.
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