I am going to give you nothing but cold steel...Arthur, is that you?
Wha...oh, hello there Mr. Strange.
What's this accosting decent people on the King's Road?
Why you see, Mr. Strange, I'm a bandit now and these are me men.
Bandits, is it? Oh, I see. A bit of the rebel we are, aren't we.
No, it's our job. My vocational counselor suggested I'd be good at the old hack 'n slash, so one thing led to another, and here we are.
Well, it's a living, I suppose. Here, I'll get you lads started off right. How about 200 denars.
Thanks, Mr. Strange. Oh...a 1000 denar note? Well, let me see if we have cash to change that. Rufio, my second-in-command, usually has some scratch.
Thanks, Arthur. I've got to get these 10 barrels of ale and little Miss "I've Been Kidnapped" to Tulga by tomorrow. Say hello to your mother for me.
Wha...oh, hello there Mr. Strange.
What's this accosting decent people on the King's Road?
Why you see, Mr. Strange, I'm a bandit now and these are me men.
Bandits, is it? Oh, I see. A bit of the rebel we are, aren't we.
No, it's our job. My vocational counselor suggested I'd be good at the old hack 'n slash, so one thing led to another, and here we are.
Well, it's a living, I suppose. Here, I'll get you lads started off right. How about 200 denars.
Thanks, Mr. Strange. Oh...a 1000 denar note? Well, let me see if we have cash to change that. Rufio, my second-in-command, usually has some scratch.
Thanks, Arthur. I've got to get these 10 barrels of ale and little Miss "I've Been Kidnapped" to Tulga by tomorrow. Say hello to your mother for me.