Resolved You can easly get non-hostile nobles killed without any consquences during the prison break.

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Summary: Hello, I have found a bug/an exploit related to the prison breaks. You can kill noble prisoners without any consequences. First, you need to find a non-hostile noble imprisoned in a town or a casle owned by a faction neutral towards you. Next, you simply start a prison break and kill the prisoner with throwing knives, or let the prison guards do this dirty work for you. After this, you can just kill the guards and escape, or let them defeat you. If you get defeated in prison, you just get released istantly because of the neutrality. Not only there are no consequences for this aciton, besides possibility of loosing some hp, but you even get a reward in the form of 1000-2500 Roguery xp for failing a prison break.

Of course, you can abuse this exploit. If you want some nobles to die, you can join their enemy faction as mercenary, catch them and "distribute" them to few towns and castles in order to omit the 7-day-long prison break cooldown to speed up the next step. After that, you just end your mercenary contract and start "rescuing" them from prisons and "accidentally" get them killed in the process one after another.

How to Reproduce: First, find any neutral town or casle with non-hostile noble prisoner. Next, start prison break in that settlement and then let the guards kill the prisoner or kill them with throwing knifes yourself.

Have you used cheats and if so which: No, I have not used any cheats.
Scene Name (if related): N/A
Media (Screenshots & Video): N/A
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit
GPU Driver Version: 472.12
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600
RAM: 2 x 8GB DDR4 3200MHz
Motherboard: MSI B450-A PRO MAX
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD 1TB M.2 PCIe NVMe
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I don't want this "fixed" to be honest. If the player wants to have an "accident" with a prisoner it should be doable. I don't think the chance of death should be 100% though, so that bith normal prison breaks and "accident" prisonbreaks carry some degree of risk.
I don't want this "fixed" to be honest. If the player wants to have an "accident" with a prisoner it should be doable. I don't think the chance of death should be 100% though, so that bith normal prison breaks and "accident" prisonbreaks carry some degree of risk.
I didn't make it clear in the post so I will make it clear here.

The idea behind chance of death is good, it makes prison breaks much more exciting. Altough I think it need some balancing. There should be some kind of punishment for noble getting killed during a prison break. Relation loss with prisoner's clan might be a good start in my opinion and it could be followed up by some other punishment if needed. It would spice prison breaks up even more and there would be still an option for the player to "accidentally" kill a noble.
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