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Grandmaster Knight
I have a suggestion that isn't too realistic, but I think it would be cool. I can already imagine your face. there's no accurate translation in English, but the Finnish term is 'menee norsunvitulle'. Kinda like this: :evil: or :mad:

But hear me out. What if you could sort of stop enemies by throwing a javelin/shooting an arrow/etc. through his foot? You know, it being lodged to the ground and all?
lol. Good idea... but a very very difficult shot to pull off. Would be amusing to see... hard to implement? I think so.
And in case someone wonders... that word is used of the army fur caps.

And no, it does not mean 'fur cap', but something a bit more 'rated'. Also virtahevon- is used.

Nice idea. As we apparently have at least three places to hit (legs, head, body) it could be easy to at least differentiate the shots on those parts:
- Legs: Speed is reduced
- Head: Extra damage
- Body: Normal
or you could stick them to thier horse.... kill the horse..... instead of just falling off the horse, the horse lands on top of them and they sufficate to death
Fire arrows would be kinda useless with the set we have now, but thumbs up for the screaming sounds.
EDIT: no -> now
actually making flaming arrows would be really easy and i was thinking of making it as a mod. however, im unsure of the M&B engine capability with fire ignition damaging a person. like the fire in the rooms, they dont hurt the character. but if some how there was a script written to activate a fire emitter onto a charcter when touched by an already active emitter and a health deduction when a fire emitter is 'activated' on the character. then it would work. and also if this happens i dont think the fire should stop until they die and the battle is over just to add that little bit of realism. honestly i dont think it would be that hard.

and also your original idea. isnt unrealistic at all. as long as thee is enough force behind whatever is hitting them then its easily realistic.
ilex said:
Wouldn't the fire arrows be less lethal against a person than normal arrows?

Exactly. If your body gets impaled by an arrow, you don't really care if it is on fire or not. The blob of burning **** on an arrow probably lessens the arrows flightspeed. But if you could burn patches of long grass (which isn't present in the game) you could effectively restrict your enemys movement.
wtf r u 2 on about.... fire arrows are MORE deadly :!: think about it.... it pierces you AND sets you on fire.... normal arrows just pierce you.... so how could the normal ones b more deadly :?: :?:
excuse the spellin' :oops:
Well at close range the difference might not be that great, but when shooting with a large arch, the velocity drops dramatically when compared to normal "aerodynamical" arrows. And burning arrow might even burn your wounds closed, so you would not bleed to death. :wink: About setting yourself on fire... ever tried setting yourself on fire? It's pretty hard if you haven't soaked yourself with gasoline.
EDIT: you -> yourself
Well Fire arrows where used more to set fire to huts, trees, or even flairs not really to kill people... the total war games are not really sure what they used to wrap the arrow

i thought they basically a ball of cloth or something and tided it on the arrow head... so i dont think it was used to peirce armour...

please do tell me if im wrong.
Usually it was wool or flax soaked in pitch or oil. It would tend to slow down an arrow in flight (extra drag), so I guess they'd be a little less lethal. Still wouldn't want to get hit by one tho.
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