Yet another silly inquiry!

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Okay, time for another question.

Does the game include a feature to accelerate time when you are travelling or otherwise on the world map?
there isn't a way (that I can find) to accelerate travel time, but if you want to hang around until a specific time of day, hold space and ctrl at the same time and it will speed time up.
It would be nice if you could accelerate time while traveling, though. Sometimes it can be a bit of a wait if you're chasing someone with a speed of like 6.1 and yours is 6.4. It can also take a while to cross the map, if the merchants have decided to send you halfway around the world with some precious bags of flour.
i wont like a speed up!
iam patient enough to await my arival on the world map :smile:
its paradox to make a long/complax game, onlky to shorten it down by fast travel!(is happening with TESIV->hate it)

Lothar, you can only fast travel outside, only between towns you've already been to, not in the wilderness, a lot of time passes when you use it, and you don't have to do it. I choose not to, but I don't know how tedious many of the errands I'm given may become, so it's a nice option to have as a rarely used feature.

For this game, you already travel over a mini-map and it only takes like 5 minutes to get from one side to the other so I don't see a big deal.
DoomedOne said:
For this game, you already travel over a mini-map and it only takes like 5 minutes to get from one side to the other so I don't see a big deal.
Yeah, though you still travel over that mini-map regularly enough that fast travel or being able to slow yourself down to match a caravan would be worth it. It's not a huge deal, that's why we call it polish.
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