Yet another serial question

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It's been awhile since I played, and since then changed e-mail addresses.

So I thought I was SOL when I decided to redownload the game, however,
for some strange reason, I guess it remembered that I had a full version?
So i'm playing without any interruptions now.

so I'm thinking, I might not be so lucky if I decide to reformat. Is my key stored
somewhere on the computer? If so, where? I want to write it down and be responsible.
Like I tell most people...

Go here:

... each time you reformat, re-install, etc. If you don't have your key handy you can get it by going there. Enter the e-mail you used to buy the game and it should give you your key. If it requires a valid working e-mail, just send a tech support e-mail with the new address (and old one) and include your invoice number.

That way you'll never need it. I don't recall if it saves to your computer. But if you ever need to re-install that's the way to do it. Then, KEEP the e-mail that you get so you wont ever lose it.
Lord Shields said:
Like I tell most people...

Go here:

... each time you reformat, re-install, etc. If you don't have your key handy you can get it by going there. Enter the e-mail you used to buy the game and it should give you your key. If it requires a valid working e-mail, just send a tech support e-mail with the new address (and old one) and include your invoice number.

That way you'll never need it. I don't recall if it saves to your computer. But if you ever need to re-install that's the way to do it. Then, KEEP the e-mail that you get so you wont ever lose it.

Like, seriously. Do you have that saved in a Word document and just copy and paste it into every serial key support thread?

Back on topic... No, it won't work if you reformat you computer. Use Lord Shields method if you can still remember your old e-mail adress.
Haha, you almost have to. I've posted that same message (by copying and pasting) to three threads in the last 24 hours. All of them could be resolved by visiting the link and either contacting support, or entering their e-mail info. It's one of those age old questions that probably will never go away. Like, "What is the meaning of life?". In this case... "How can I find my key?".
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