Yeah, so about those slopes...

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This actually happens pretty often, usually to the enemy's army rather than mine, but it's definitely not what I needed before my fight against 50 dark knights and hunters.

Is it possible to make armies spawn on the flat ground instead of on the slopes?

Also, a lot of times enemy mounted units get stuck around the edges of the map on top of the slopes. Is there any way to fix that?
I managed something almost as good (sorry no pics) : I spawed right on a cliff - which meant I immediately plumetted to the bottom of a deep canyon, crippling my spirited hunter in the process...
Lol what an unlucky day for you. I have started in cliffs plent of times, but I never saw my guys die or "fall unconcious."
I got a good one yesterday. I was on top of a steep mountain... at the peak, only my horse and I could fit on top. The rest of my army was scattered down the slope. At the bottom of what appeared to be a 1000ft drop off was a lake. If you ended up in the water, there was no way to get out without dismounting your horse, assuming it survived the decent.

To give you an idea of the shear magnitude of the mountain. From the bottom of the slope, just on the other side of the water, on dry land, looking up, each member of my army was like the size of a single pixel.
:shock: :lol: :twisted: That is funny. I have no funny stories like that to tells, oh wait, once my spawning area was this flatish rectangle with cliffs on all sides on one are to go, but horse often failed to get up it. So I waited for the enemy to come to me, until the got stuck on the other side of this big hill in the middle of the map.
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