it's funny because the quoted section contains no obscenities
The other parts did and the tone was certainly there.
i did not say "fascist" even once.
usually you're better at your bad faith bit than this. smh.
Your self-control is amazing. I know you wanted to though.
Joking aside, you know what I meant, it's a hard-left meme.
look. people who are both "ordinary" and actually care about this functionally don't exist. you're twisting yourself in knots about an imagined demographic. the going thing for people who don't like trans folk is, at present, about calling them "groomers" and/or shooting them. i don't think emojis meaningfully factor in, we're way beyond that. the person who was totally going to vote dem/labour/[your choice] till they saw the pregnant man emoji is a construct you have invented in your brain.
You are warping this in all ways possible contrary to reality, just to avoid an unpleasant truth.
The ordinary people exist. Many of them can be persuaded to vote for or against the left or the right, if you can push the correct buttons. While they might not care about trans news, trans news are brought to them typically by tabloids, who typically use the same scare stories as the right-wing. One of these is the pregnant man emoji, it's simple to understand, easy to mock and project into. People like Piers Morgan commented on it (a bottomfeeder, but a well-known one.) News channels commented on it, because of the slight controversy.
This affects people. Of course they care more about the economy and jobs, but if their attitude towards trans, lgbt and progressives in general is colored by ridicule and fear (they'll make your kids trans!), they might vote for the right-wing or the far-right populists thriving on culture wars, like Trump or Orban or Bolsonaro to protect them from this threat.
What you refuse to understand is that most of these people are not your enemies. They didn't start as terrible bigots, but they were manipulated into transphobia and hate for progressives by conservative and far-right propaganda. And this propaganda finds its best material from the far-left and progressive "achievements" such as pregnant man emojis. So it's very much related to what the progressives do and how vulnerable they make their causes by going to ridiculous virtue signalling levels.
and that's without even getting into the bit where the people who made the emoji are, yaknow, not really involved in politics? and the "trans movement" is neither creating emojis nor running for office? it's not like there's a centralised org controlling the whole thing.
tldr your concern is just a bizarre fantasy.
LGBT pressure groups actually long advocated for a pregnant man emoji. Apple responds to this, they don't invent ideologies.
So, your defense is just a poor deflection that takes two minutes to dismantle. Try harder.
What I'm advocating is for the mainstream LGBT movement not to throw support for every new inclusivity fad that would please a very few people and alienate many more. Tell your people I said this, Monty.