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I'm going to make the first deluxe nuclear cruise ship...
So, um...technically not quite, I guess, but...

Oh, so a few nuclear cargo ships have actually been built. Didn't know that.
I guess the cost, maintenance and special nuclear engineer crew makes it a disadvantage.
Also sounds like a lot of nuclear waste would end up in the sea if they became widespread.
I'm pretty sure everyone has those by necessity, but Denmark's van looks like advanced social healthcare breaking new grounds.
Of course, it's for the white and blonde people only, the rest are on their own or are in the process of getting deported.:smile:
I don't think they are that common. Jails all over the world have cells for drunks, violent schizos perhaps, but a drunk tank is for people who haven't done anything, they are "just" really wasted (and unattended). Public intoxication is not an offense in CZ and the drunk tanks are a measure of public health, not law enforcement.
I don't think we have anything like that in the UK, and it's occasionally commented on that it is unsatisfactory for the police to be the only resort to deal with homeless people and similarly troubled people. Ultimately it doesn't solve the root problem for police to come and move homeless people away from shop doorways.
Yes. The sociolance comes into play when police or ambulance workers meet people they're not equippped to deal with.
For example a mentally ill person in danger of hurting himself or a homeless person in need of a place for the night. Stuff like that.
They can also provide healthcare, such as treating wounds or other minor issues.
The experience is fewer confrontations and emergency room visits e.g.
Best I can do is a drunk tank.
Yeah, we have that too. It`s called Ausnüchterungszelle and they only let you out again when you`re able to pronounce it correctly (joke).

@Adorno: Is that a countrywide, government-operated thing? We probably have a more interdisciplinary and local approach in Germany, especially in the bigger cities. And quite a big part of this is volunteer work as well, which is a total disgrace in my opinion.
Yes, it's government operated. To my knowledge only in the capital region.
I know other countries also have interdisciplinary cooperation with for example psychiatrists.
I just thought it was funny they made a 'sociolance'. Haven't heard of it anywhere else.
So, Apple released its "pregnant man emoji" in March and the alt-right is still having a party.
As a defender of the liberal faith, I'm at a loss here and can't destroy arguments. Why?? Y u do dis Monty??
I've seen the "well, don't use it if you don't like it" defense, but that's just weak. I'm also aware that some LGBT people are cheering for this, although I have yet to hear about any pregnant men in existence, except the Terminator, but I'm sure technically there are few of them in the trans community.
Do they really need this much inclusivity? Because this is just alienating a lot of people.
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