ok i always use bows cos i like them ingame in real life...and solid archer can hit!!!! with this tweak they dont i did tweak the bows little differently...i changed the speed of the bows significatnly and accuarcy my war bows being strongest and most unaccurate fire with speed of 55 and are 92 or 93 accurate (dont remember well, but maye it should be put at 90 i need some more testing) and relative this rises with weaker bows by 5 for speed and 1 for bowmanship looks much more realistic...single bowman can hit but is much slower and less dangerous...but as in real life when there is masses of them they are as dangerous as they were in large numbers...other wise they just miss in mass and very fast wouldnt bother me this much if crossbowmen wouldnt be so gad damn accurate and have so strong punch and in every siege even militia cuts my armies down while my archers dont is a suggestion for the developers to dwell on it and do more testing i think..hope to be of any help and please let me now what you think about this course of tweaking the bows...i love the mod otherwise btw...regards