In Progress "XXX needs garrison troops in XXX Castle" quest bugged.

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: The quest named above is bugged, in that if your relations with the Lord who gave you this quest are -1 or lower, so on their starting value for many characters, the guards will not let you enter the castle so you are unable to hand in the troops you were required to train. Clearly, this quest should not be given to characters whose relations with the lord in question are not at least high enough to meet the requirements for completing it! Being given a quest that you cannot complete is asinine. This bug has been active since at least August 2020, the first time it was reported to my knowledge. It is very annoying that such a simple bug, which was reported over 18 months ago is still not fixed, please take the minimal time required to fix it.
How to Reproduce: Collect the quest, train the required troops, take them to the castle you are instructed to in the quest. Have -1 or lower relations with the lord who gave you the quest. You won't be able to get into the castle and therefore won't be able to complete the quest. The issue being that you can pick up the quest with -1 relations with the lord in question.
Have you used cheats and if so which: None
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