XSLT override not working for SandboxCore Equipment Sets

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I am trying to make a mod ("Better Dressed Nobles") that will change the sandbox core equipment sets (e.g. emp_bat_template_medium) so that all affected nobles will get the new equipment, and i do not have to create a new override for every noble lord/lady individually.

I can make new override equipment sets linked to the existing lords/ladies, but the issue will be that new (i.e. children coming of age, new clan member spawned, etc.) will still get the vanilla equipment sets that currently have terrible faction mismatch at times.

I am currently finding that my XSLT for the specific equipment sets will load into the game, but they do not show up on characters at all. I did not experience this issue with overriding the snpccharacters.xml where the troop equipment sets are stored. That went smoothly. But it seems that it is not that simple to change the equipment sets for Lords/Ladies.
Any suggestion where I may be going wrong?
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