At first, I enjoyed the game immensely on classic ironman, managing to keep one of my original squad alive and having 72 kills and serving on 54 missions and only missed 4 times. He was a french sniper with the nickname "Cyclops" and he was a badass who killed the last 3 mutons on a map after all of his squadmates were killed.
He lead a squad that wasalso made of some hardcore dudes who I managed to keep alive (mostly by switching them out for rookies occasionally and being very, very careful with them). Eventually I had a squad of six Colonels, with Cyclops as the leader.
One by one, the hardcore soldiers began dropping like flies. Cyclops always remained alive by some miracle, and pure luck. But my two colonel medics were killed, my useless heavies, all my assaults I used to stun aliens... It was sad, really, but it made going to the memorial in the barracks all the more cool. (That's my favorite part about the new X-COM by the way.)
I dealt with some bugs. I mostly ignored them because Xcom was becoming an epic story for me, and I wanted to see how long Cyclops would stay alive, dangerous mission after dangerous mission. We shot down a UFO and I was greeted with the horrible camera that continuously kept going a level above the one I was at, meanwhile obstructing my view with the ceiling of the UFO. This was fine. I raged at it, I yelled at the computer once in a while (it was late) but it didn't matter because the game held my attention.
Then, I captured the outsider shard and was preparing for the assault on the alien base. I was getting bad vibes that this base was the last part of the game. After just 2 days of playing? Of course, later I found that I was false but there doesn't seem to be much more beyond the alien base assault.
Finally, there was one bug I would not tolerate. My ironman saves being corrupted, a common bug that lots of people seem to have complained about. Thus, my best and only game with the new XCOM was gone. This was quite frustrating, as I was really enjoying that campaign. As short, dumbed-down and luck-based as I knew it all was, as much as every time I started a mission I moaned about the movement system and that all I really had to do was scout ahead with supports and assaults and have 3 snipers in the back picking off everything they see with Double Tap and Headshot. The lack of options... really the only hard decision in the game being which country to put a satellite over if they're equal panic and equal funding... I mean, honestly, the only appeal of the game was Cyclips and the story that was forming from my squad members. But I can (and have, as watchers of my old streams would know) do that in the original just as well, and in a better game.
I haven't been able to play the game again, because without my uber squad of badasses I had put so much effort into training, the game showed its true face. I realized after a few missions that the cover system is really bull****, and that the only thing that matters is the cover in front of the soldier, not the fifty cars in front of him or the wall or whatever.
I didn't mind the bullets going through ****. The smoke effect and all gave me the idea that the rounds they were shooting were somewhat high caliber for a rifle (which makes sense, because aliums) made it make sense for bullets to penetrate a thin wall (most walls in the game were quite thin that I've seen). They should at least make holes in it though and do some damage to the wall rather than clipping straight through it as if it weren't there.
Overall I really enjoyed the game and it gave me a weekend of entertainment, but never again, except maybe for multiplayer.