X-Box Live Gamertag Help

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Bruhlan Revan

Sergeant Knight at Arms
Well I ran out of xbox live time and when I tryed to use my account it said that this gamertag was recovered on another console so I finnally recovered it and I see that there are some new games in my recent games list and well I want to know if now that I recovered my gamertag if whoever else recovered it can still use it? and if they can, can I block the gamertag from others somehow?

                    Thank You Very Much------
If you recovered your gamertag on your xbox, your friend wont be able to use your account on his xbox unless if you recover it there.
Well You see I dont know if my friends did recover my account so from what I know some random stranger just got it unless only the dudes on my friends list can recover my account is true? Oh and I asked here cause its an Off Topic Chat place
They cant recover your account on there xbox(Or one of there other friends) without your e-mail address and password, so if you told them that, then they could recover your account.

And you'll know if your friends recovered your gamertag, if you cant acess it at home.
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