WTF happened to Zendar??

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Hey everyone,

I've had this question that I've been meaning to ask for a while now.....what happened to Zendar? I loved that place
Those bastards aren't tolerated in my games because of their blasphemies, they seem to be better at hiding though. Haven't seen any in a while..
It got removed from the game due to it's unrealistic factor. The manhunters still spawn around it, ain't that enough for ya?!
Dragon13 said:
It got removed from the game due to it's unrealistic factor. The manhunters still spawn around it, ain't that enough for ya?!

Dragon 13 Oh thats why...well I guess thats good enough lol :mrgreen: Pfft manhunters cant kill for ****!! My character was involved with fight between about 82 Manhunters vs. 15-25 Sea Raiders and Mountain Bandits....the Manhunters got absolutely RAPED!!! only like 5 or 6 Bandits/Raiders were killed lol :lol:

StygN Na, this place seemed more nessesary lol and i doubt that many people go to Zendar town square lol apart from the people who have just started,and wtf are they gonna know
Eh... This board is for suggesting new stuff to put into M&B, Zendar town square is for general M&B talk. Zendar Town Square is also the board with the highest amounts of posts and topics apart from the off topic board.

Again, I think this should be in the Zendar Town Square, or maybe even in the The Apprentice Guild.

EDIT: And there are several old guys posting like crazy in Zendar Town Square, I think you'd get a fast answer there : )
stygN said:
Eh... This board is for suggesting new stuff to put into M&B, Zendar town square is for general M&B talk. Zendar Town Square is also the board with the highest amounts of posts and topics apart from the off topic board.

Again, I think this should be in the Zendar Town Square, or maybe even in the The Apprentice Guild.

EDIT: And there are several old guys posting like crazy in Zendar Town Square, I think you'd get a fast answer there : )

Well this topic was 'suggesting' why Zendar was taken out lol

Well there's no point in moving it now since Dragon13 answered the question.
Meh lol I would rather not have them old seedy pricks chatting me up, god knows what their doing behind their desktops lol
Equus said:
Worried they're beating their lances, eh? :lol:

Yep exactly, that is what worries me lol. Back when I was 11 I had some random person add me on msn and started talking to me, about 20 mins into conversation this person wanted me to go on webcam and take my pants off....I think the guy thought I was a chick cause my old msn had a bit of a girly name to it lol. **** their some sicks ****s out there
jord932003 said:
Yep exactly, that is what worries me lol. Back when I was 11 I had some random person add me on msn and started talking to me, about 20 mins into conversation this person wanted me to go on webcam and take my pants off....I think the guy thought I was a chick cause my old msn had a bit of a girly name to it lol. **** their some sicks ****s out there
Wait that was you? OMG!  :shock:
Why the hell did you name yourself Cutegirl13@hotmail. com !?  :shock:

lol the internet really get things easier to people who wanna beat their on google for any single letter and you will see what I'm talking about, ha ha

anyways it looked like a nice topic to be funny and talk with someone, sorry if I'm doing something wrong but the Americans thought they were going to win because they scored 2x0 on Brazil, the we scored 3 goals in the second half... we are the champions but they really fought to be there

Sorry for the bad english...
Heaven Knight said:
lol the internet really get things easier to people who wanna beat their on google for any single letter and you will see what I'm talking about, ha ha

anyways it looked like a nice topic to be funny and talk with someone, sorry if I'm doing something wrong but the Americans thought they were going to win because they scored 2x0 on Brazil, the we scored 3 goals in the second half... we are the champions but they really fought to be there

Sorry for the bad english...
Before typing "x" in google.  :neutral:
After typing "x" in google  :shock:

The old saying goes "you can get anything from internet". That's ******** you can't get anything from there. That's why god and some computer people created GOOGLE. You wanna know what is Gonorrhea?. Ask GOOGLE. Ding! Mental scarring in 5 seconds!

Btw are you talking about soccer?
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