[WSC] Streams & VODs

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Oh cool that Berg recorded Unity vs. Tilde Turtles - great job! :grin:

You can watch the full FT vs ** match (wait why does A Q get censored xD) on my twitch channel (its funny to watch Volshen gain 500 denars and then lose 1000 ;D)

Or you can check out the shorter youtube version here:

I would be interested in your opinion about the quality, do you think it should be a bit lighter? Still experimenting with the settings...
Thanks again to all the streamers and recorders who took the time to cover those matches last week. Shame they were a bit one sided but it was still fun.

I've recorded FTW vs The Castellans but it is supposed to be review material and I didn't have the streamer mod while recording so I'm not sure I will upload it, will see.
We bring to you tonight two Quarterfinals of the WSC, both starting at 20 BST

Watch FTW vs. Unity at: https://www.twitch.tv/purzelblume

And FT vs. PE at Greeds Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/greedalicious

AE vs. Aequalitas will probably be on wednesday or so..

Good luck to all teams  :party: :party:
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