Would somebody explain the basis of positioning and maneuver.

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In the past patches, I didn't practice positioning much, when opponent closing the range, I just kicked him back simply. and keep the comfortable and familiar range for my weapon.

I know little about positioning and how to maneuver. can somebody analyse positioning procedures in detail?

(ie, step back for sometime  ,block an thrust and  walk forward to oponent's back ,side swing)
I'm sure some people can post some tips here, but unless you practice them in game you arn't going to learn to real fast.

Most of positioning is using the right attack from the right direction to hit your opponent sooner. Sometimes if you have excellent position on your opponent, and your opponent starts the wrong attack you can hit him a second time after he blocked your first attack.

I suggest you sign up as a mentee in the mentor thread and get some 1 on 1 practice time in. PM any availible mentor who seems to be on at the same time you are, they can give you some 1 on 1 practice and allow you to practice on them. http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,133954.0.html
Being on the top of a hill is useful since they can't charge you as fast which gives you time to kill more guys before anymore can reach you. In other tactical games (total war) I could make more use of terrain, but in M&B that's the peak of tactical skill for me.
In my day to day Warbanding my positioning is incredibly important because I tend to take up a support role with a polearm. You need to know the way the person you're covering moves, and you need to know how to adjust according. Having a good spearman covering you against a single opponent pretty much makes you invincible.
I have read the mentor thread.

I am eager to know "How to wrap opponents and get behind them for a free hit." part

Thats something that is best demonstrated, why don't you just sign up. I'm sure someone will cover the footwork of it if you ask. In a nutshell you want to keep walking past them, while trying to keep yourself oriented tword them. We can talk about it all we want, but you won't get better at it unless you start practicing and applying it.
Faranox said:
In my day to day Warbanding my positioning is incredibly important because I tend to take up a support role with a polearm. You need to know the way the person you're covering moves, and you need to know how to adjust according. Having a good spearman covering you against a single opponent pretty much makes you invincible.
Agreed  :wink:
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