World war two mod

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Some one should make a world war 2 mod for M&B, here are my ideas (this is only for the us side) the unit could go Med>infantry>marine>ranger>HW >Marksman>sniper>sharpshooterTanker>light tanker>heavy tanker Equip. Med: Med pack 45. PistolInfantry: m1 garnad/m1 carbine Marine: M1carbine/Thompson sub-machine gun 45. Pistol/38. V pistolRanger: Thompson 45. /38. Pistol Heavy weapons: B.A.R/bazooka M20Marksman: 45. /38. Pistol M1 Garand RifleSniper: 45. /38. Pistol M1903/1903A3 RifleSharpshooter: 45. /38. Pistol M1903/1903A3 Rifle w/h scopeTanker: halftrack/armored car Grease gunLight tanker: Stuart light tank Grease gunHeavy tanker: Medium tank M4 Sherman Grease gun *every one gets boots, uniform, steel pot helmet, combat knife, and grenades SkillsRiding=drivingHorse archery=gunnery One handed weapon=pistol/sub-machine gunTwo handed weapon=rifle/BARBow=HMGCrossbow=Tank gunAdd skill Seamanship for speed at sea/river
M1 Garand RifleBasic rifle issued to all front of the line troops this is the primary rifle, however you may get this or the 1903/1903A3 Rifle it is up to you the difference between the two is that the M1 Garand is semi-automatic and holds up to 8 rounds.
M1903/1903A3 RifleThis is an alternative to the M1 Garand in which the difference is that this is a bolt-action rifle and holds up to 5 rounds only. A scope is not required because of it being mostly used by snipers.
M1 CarbineA 15 round magazine fed carbine usually used by rear echelon personnel, Military Police, Signal Men, and officers. It was mostly used by troops who carried big loads such as machine gun crews, radiomen, and mortar crews due to it's light weight, low recoil and higher round capacity than other weapons.Please confer with the unit leader before using or purchasing this item.
M1928 .45 Cal. Thompson Sub-Machine GunFully automatic sub-machine gun normally used by NCOs and officers where rapid fire was needed. Currently it is illegal to purchase in the state of California, all those who wish to use it must obey all BATF rules.Please confer with the unit leader before using or purchasing this item.
M1911 .45 Cal. Colt Semi-Automatic Pistol Sidearm that issued to all Officers and NCOs.Please confer with the unit leader before using or purchasing this item.
.38 Cal. Smith and Wessen Victory PistolAnother sidearm used by the Infantry often sent by home or privately purchased.Please confer with the unit leader before using or purchasing this item.
M1928 Browning Automatic Rifle (B.A.R.)Developed during World War I but was not widely used until World War II. Fed with a 20 round magazine it is also outfitted with a bi-pod. Be cautioned to follow all BATF rules regarding this weapon.Please confer with the unit leader before using or purchasing this item.
M3A1 grease gun
Medium tank M4 Sherman
Armament: 75 mm Gun, MG
Crew: 5
Armor (max.): 85 mm
Speed (max.): 39 km/hr
Dimensions: 6.16 x 2.67 x 2.79 m
Weight: 30.7 ton

Stuart light tank

· Crew: 4
· Weight: 33,907 lbs
· Date of Manufacture: c.1943
· Maximum Speed: 36 miles per hour
· Cruising Range: 100 miles
· Armor: 4.4 cm (maximum thickness)
· Engines: (2) Cadillac Series 42U-8
· Armament: (1) M6 37 mm and (3) .30 Browning Machine Guns
· Serial Number: 3046066-S

For navel ships go here
i tried reading some of the post (at least use linebreaks for clarity!) and many of these ideas are impossible in the current game even if someone wanted to make the mod. there is no way to have grenades in the game because there is no spash damage. we can't have ANY kind of automatic weapon, and the only semi-automatic weapon is the modded crossbow. we also can't do whatever you said about changeing the weapons associated with certain proficiencies unless you want people to swing their pistols in their hands. we can't have ships or a seamanship skill because that would be making a major change to the game that only the devs could do. it might not even be possible when the mod tools come out. you also said something about tanks, but we can't have multiple people on one horse to simulate a crew. the horses are programmed for one person, and there is no way to change that. so just take Ancientwanker's advice and buy BF:1942.
why does everyone have to post a "make a WWII mod of this game" on every decent games forum?

there are lots of WWII games that were DESIGNED TO BE WWII GAMES and modding a game that is a mideval game will not make it a better one...

dont get me wrong... im a great fan of WWII (some even call me a grog, but i dont think i am), but this is just ridicculous
True, but not unless if you want to make WWI mod, since they pimary use bolt action rifle, perhap? And of course, this game is not designed to have machine gun, grenade, tank, and artillery in this game, but adding alot different type of rifle with different quality and types of bullets and rifles could be possible thought. I'd like to see from American revolultions or other countries that faced many battles during that time era to WWI based mod and it will be fun! Image this, having squad of your men firing rifle while having cavalry with rifle or sword supporting you!

Eagle out...
Ohhh, don't give up, i didn't mean to Come in and Trash everything, i was still havign this "feeling" after Pavlov Suspended me
I would like a WW1 Mod. And it would be much much easyier then WW2 I agree.

I Would also love a "American Civil War" mod.

(i love muskets) And the whole bayanet thing would work great with this game.
OH C'MON! This would not work. In a million years it would not work.

A cowboy mod, ok maybe. But this? You must be joking.
Yes, I'd been wishing for a WWI mod for some time. i can just imagine knocking a cavalryman off his horse with a springfield rifle................

Most units would probably be in the "rifleman/archer" class but you could still have cavalrymen with sabers. Something like pistols and sabers for cavalry, rifles of varying accuracy and power and 5 round cartridges for riflemen so youre forced to fight a trench style warfare close to your item box, possibly a bayonet as well.

like this:

Cavalry saber (either one or two handed? various types.)
Pistol (archery skill?)
Pistol Cartridges (7)
Pistol Cartridges (7)

Rifle (crossbow skill, KAR98k, Enfield, Springfield, etc)
Cartridge (5 for rifle)
Cartridge (5)
Bayonet(?)Catridge (5)

Maybye add a sniper class with a high accuracy rifle as M&B already has a zoom capability merely by pressing shift. Likely the rifles would have to be extremely inaccurate (and still have level firing) for to keep battles becoming complete slaughterfests if its going to have anything near realistic damage.
Now that is possible, but making stationary or non stationary machine gun will be very diffcult unless someone figure out how to make automatic firing of projections with incoming official mod tools.

Eagle out...
You could make a semi automatic machine gun that has close to no reload and aim delay and call it a machine gun :razz:

Other than that, cant do much about the MG that made WWI for what it was. Btw, rifles should required a stop to reload like crossbows but pistols could be reloaded on the move. Make them revolvers you cock with every shot or just a silly fake semi auto designed along the lines of the MG?
Does anybody really think that a WW2, WW1, or a Civil war mod would work with a medieval game?? You would need all new weapon models. Sorry guys it just isn't going to work.
From what ive seen of other mods development, its quite clear it is possible to model, texture and implement them into M&B
I don't think a WWII, or even a WWI mod would really be worth it. For a good WWII game, theres Brothers in Arms. For WWI, theres a Half-Life 1 mod whose name escapes me, but will be ported to HL2 in the future. What WOULD work very well is a Revolutionary/Napoleonic/Civil War mod.
I have to agree with Ancient Wanker. All these insane request of turning a Horse riding, Sword swinging game into a Tank driving, machine gunfiring game is really strange.

I wonder if people on the BF1942 Forums, requested a mod for a Crusades Period version?? Or how about Prehistoric-mod? A tank could become a T-REX, and the M16 could be a Rock-Sling?

Sorry, I know im just blowing steam off but please, you have to agree with me that this is simply ridiculous. It's like some people who played this game enjoyed the fight engine so much, they wished it transfered in every diffrent epoch they could think of.

Anyways keep sugesting that the Spirited Courser could be a F18 Hornet, and that the Thowing dagger could be turned into a cocktail molotov, cuz in the meanwhile it makes me save money on comedy rentals.
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