world map - heading to highlight

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Bought the game yesterday. Having alot of fun with it :smile: before and after the purchase :smile:

Something minor though, when you click to make your party go to a certain place on the world map, it would be nice to have a icon to show where I made the click. Then it would be easier to navigate, and know when the game is going to make the next pause.

Just my two cents.. Would probably be done or something without me jabbering about small GUI stuff :razz:
I like it, it would be nice to have and no one has suggested it for a long time.

Oh, and welcome ot the forum Neshaug!

EDIT: And what \/ mentioned, you can press spacebar to pause, and you pause when you stop moving. If it pauses while your still moving, it's probably lagging.
ah.. haha :razz: will make my life easier when doing traderoutes. Been panic clicking when some nasties showed up :wink: though, all my veteran peasants died on my last trip, so now it's only me, Borcha and Mandrid, and we love it! :wink:
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