World Map Avatar

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Hey, I don't know if this has been suggested already, but here it is: It would be cool if the world map avatar was just a miniature version of your character. It's always the same dude in leather armor on top of a brown horse riding around. I want to see my black armor and my charger! :eek:
Different, yeah, but you can base their appearance on the same items. It's possible, but not, in my opinion, necessary at this stage. I'm perfectly happy with my lame little horse guy.
Likewise. It's not exactly a priority to address such minor cosmetic things when more time could be spent on the game's mechanics.
Because the world map uses a different scale, they would need to make a new model (and animations for it), while keeping poly count reasonably low so that it doesn't affect framerate. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that all the models will mesh perfectly together on that scale, so they'd have to be tested, and coded in corrections as see fit. You can't just add a line of code that says avatarsize=avatarsize-90%

You'd need to make an entire new selection of models :sad:.
I was just thinking about this. What is you had 3 or four avatars for the main map that differed by army type. Like if your pary was mainly low level or high level or mainly mounted or on foot. A smaller change, but would be nice.
i suggested this months ago, i would love it to be more like my PC.
surely just changing the colours of the horse & armour would be easy and make a big difference?
Sorry to necrolize this, but why would you need new map models?  It seems all youd really need would be to have a map-sized version of the armor/horse skins, then update map model with whatever armor/horse is being used.
Why not just have two models for every faction, a footman model and a horseman model, and you get the models of the faction you are part of?
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