Won't let me get resources!

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Personally, as a newbie to the mod, I feel that monthly is way too slow.  I spend most of my time in Custom Settlements sitting around trying to pass away (as opposed to piss away) the time.  I'd be happier if it gave a weekly benefit, but provided 1/4th the actual output: this way it actually feels like they're doing something, even if the rate is the same.  It also lets you get a feel for what adding a single jack or jill does to the production rate.

Better yet, daily, with 1/30th the actual output.  (How well does M&B handle floating point, anyway?)
The problem is that it pauses your game. Using the wait quickly option with it stopping every day would drive me up the wall, I hate it enough with one month (but understand that it is better at one month than never :p)
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