Woman clothing bug.

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I dont know, maybe it was planed in this way, but as male charaster you can wear woman clothe, recieving woman constitution :shock: Its really not much for a bug, but its still very fun(red hair bearded male with breasts looks cool )).
look what i found in the "how does you caracter look like" thread :wink:
i think if a man want to wear woman closhings, its ok :smile: but that he will get brests is funny :smile:

I forced Borscha to wear a dress for a few days as punishment for being really incompetent in a few battles.

Ooh, the power... :twisted:
I was actually kind of upset when you couldn't wear female's clothing in Morrowind, so that's really funny. I'm not so sure he should have breasts, but it's still awesome nevertheless.
in UO you could put a dress on over platemail and it would look like you were wearing nothing but the dress. Funny stuff. Body would be cinched in even smaller than before you put on the platemail. Would look like a woman too... I saw people playing male characters that looked like female characters, and had people giving them things (dumbass people...) like they do to female characters. (I never understood that, anyone with half a brain knows they are most likely a man IRL anyway). But it was hilarious when they had people give them things then took off the helm and dress and said "Thanks mate."
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