[WNL4] Week 7 Scheduling - Deadline 20/11, 19.00 GMT

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captain folms

Grandmaster Knight

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Please let us know about the date and time of your match until Thurday, 20.11.14, 19:00 GMT, by simply filling out the format below. If you are having problems, eg. getting in touch with your opponent or finding a suitable day and time, please leave a short message explaining the situation. Should the opponent fail to make their presence known by the deadline, then teams will be able to select a date of their choice. The thread can be used for all of a teams scheduling communication or they may simply post the date and time of their match there.

[b]Team you are from?:[/b] 
[b]Team you are playing?:[/b]
[b]Day, Date, Time?:[/b]
Wanderers vs Hitmen
<Day, Date, Time>

3A_PYCb vs Legion 46
Sunday, 22.11.14, 19:00 GMT

Druzhina vs Knights of Rhodos
Sunday, 23.11.14, 18:00 GMT

Habichtorden vs Knights of Avis
Sunday, 23.11.14, 18:00 GMT

Die Acht Monuren vs Die Mainhardter
Saturday, 22.11.14, 19:30 GMT

Immortal Brotherhood vs Saracens
Sunday, 23.11.14, 19:00 GMT

Loyalty vs Principality of Power
Friday, 21.11.14, 19:00 GMT

The Kingdom of Swadia vs Heroes of Agincourt
Saturday, 22.11.14, 19:00 GMT

Guard of Istiniar vs Veche
Sunday, 23.11.14, 18:00 GMT

Red Eagle vs Wächter des Limes
Sunday, 23.11.14, 19:00 GMT

3 Ok Akıncıları vs Schwertbrüderorden
Thursday, 20.11.14, 19:30 GMT

NERD vs Polish Eagles & Kingdom of Heaven
Sunday, 23.11.14, 19:00 GMT

Legend vs Knights of Malta
Friday, 21.11.14, 19:00 GMT

Funs of the Emperor vs Irish Rebels
Friday, 21.11.14, 19:00 GMT

Paladins and Defenders vs Defenders of Wonwokie
Saturday, 22.11.14, 19:00 GMT

Heroes & Inquisition vs Apis Europae
Sunday, 23.11.14, 19:00 GMT

The Castellans vs Aquilae Calradiae
Sunday, 23.11.14, 19:00 GMT
Team you are from?: 3A_PYCb
Team you are playing?: Legion 46
Day, Date, Time?: Sunday, 22.11.14, 19-00 GMT
Team you are from?: Malta
Team you are playing?: Legend
Day, Date, Time?:Sunday, 18gmt
Team you are from?: Red Eagle
Team you are playing?: Wächter des Limes
Day, Date, Time?: Sunday, 23/11 19 GMT.
Team you are from?: 3 Ok Akıncıları
Team you are playing?: Schwertbrüderorden
Day, Date, Time?: 20.11.14 Thursday 19.30 GMT
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