I would love to see Witch Hunts! You can't have an authentic medieval game without killing some pagans!
I know this is supposed to be realistic but you can't have knights and not kill dragons for heaven sake. Damzels in distress do happen to go hand in hand with dragons and the knight theme. Rapunzel anyone?
I would also like to see authentic jousting tournaments. And pikes / lances need to be fixed, they need to have bonus damage vs. horses. And to be able to ground the pike to kill all but the most heavily armored horses that charge at you.
And the most important addition would have to be brothels. A tired and weary adventurer needs some place to 'relax' and have a good time. It would also be good for the economy, they would make alot of income (mostly from me) which the king would tax. The king would definitly side with me, anyone who disagrees will be beheaded.
Other little things I would like to see include:
Decapitation. (self explanitory)
A skill perhaps or maybe even a bonus to staffs (since they are useless now) that give you a rare chance to block an arrow. Perhaps the higher agility the greater the chance?
Taking a sword or shield from a fallen foe or ally in battle. In the tournement it really bothers me when I get stuck with a weak pike when theres a nice two handed sword just an arms reach away on the ground.
An easy way to tell if you hit an oppents horse like a spurt of blood or a neigh. Perhaps even the horse writhing in pain?
Skull caps should be easily knocked off with a well placed hit.
Special moves like a cyclone attack for example.
Knock people down with the shield.
With high Charisma you could perhaps talk your way out of being robbed or attacked in the world map.
Gotta have fire arrows!
And if your in a pickle (or have no honor) an option to throw dirt and blind the opponent.
Chance to be evil and kill farmers and peasents and...
Be a wanted criminal and have a price on your head!
Edit: I think water is also an important factor for an army. Your horses need to drink and maybe if you want to take a break from being in the dark ages dare I say.... take a bath? But seriously there should be another slot in the character screen where you can put water which would be consumed at the same rate as food. And for a boost of morale you could put some Ale or Wine there instead.
I know this is supposed to be realistic but you can't have knights and not kill dragons for heaven sake. Damzels in distress do happen to go hand in hand with dragons and the knight theme. Rapunzel anyone?
I would also like to see authentic jousting tournaments. And pikes / lances need to be fixed, they need to have bonus damage vs. horses. And to be able to ground the pike to kill all but the most heavily armored horses that charge at you.
And the most important addition would have to be brothels. A tired and weary adventurer needs some place to 'relax' and have a good time. It would also be good for the economy, they would make alot of income (mostly from me) which the king would tax. The king would definitly side with me, anyone who disagrees will be beheaded.
Other little things I would like to see include:
Decapitation. (self explanitory)
A skill perhaps or maybe even a bonus to staffs (since they are useless now) that give you a rare chance to block an arrow. Perhaps the higher agility the greater the chance?
Taking a sword or shield from a fallen foe or ally in battle. In the tournement it really bothers me when I get stuck with a weak pike when theres a nice two handed sword just an arms reach away on the ground.
An easy way to tell if you hit an oppents horse like a spurt of blood or a neigh. Perhaps even the horse writhing in pain?
Skull caps should be easily knocked off with a well placed hit.
Special moves like a cyclone attack for example.
Knock people down with the shield.
With high Charisma you could perhaps talk your way out of being robbed or attacked in the world map.
Gotta have fire arrows!
And if your in a pickle (or have no honor) an option to throw dirt and blind the opponent.
Chance to be evil and kill farmers and peasents and...
Be a wanted criminal and have a price on your head!
Edit: I think water is also an important factor for an army. Your horses need to drink and maybe if you want to take a break from being in the dark ages dare I say.... take a bath? But seriously there should be another slot in the character screen where you can put water which would be consumed at the same rate as food. And for a boost of morale you could put some Ale or Wine there instead.