If Taleworlds wants to even entertain the idea of saving their multi-player the first thing they need to do is actually deliver stable servers. It is a joke, that 4 years on from early access the servers are still crashing daily, it is almost malign incompetence, a deliberate choice to deliver a poor service. I cannot fathom how the servers are still having issues, unless the entire team has been sacked and the game is being developed by one inexperienced intern. Oh and Taleworlds? Changing the 'awaiting server' crash message to 'game ended' is incredibly dishonest, we know it crashed, we know it wasn't meant to end then and there, do not treat us like idiots.
I don't understand what is going on at the studio, it's like there has been a total breakdown in cohesion, what do the employees do each day? Come into the office and just sit on their thumbs? We get 1 small update every 3-6 months, which for a team of TW size is a joke, unless they're working on a secret project or a DLC in the same vein as Viking Conquest; which would be bizarre, since the single-player is still missing so many core features from Warband (Feasts).
When Taleworlds can prove they're capable of keeping a server up and running for more than 2 hours then they can focus on delivering balance and content updates, but I genuinely do not believe this will ever happen. I would be just as happy if TW announced today that Bannerlord is no longer being supported, because then I could at least move on. I had such high hopes for the MP, it looked so great in previews, but it is totally unfit for purpose. Just take a look at this guys thread proving there have been huge desync issues from the beginning. You wondered why your opponents attack glitched through your shield? Well this is why:
What happened to the team that made Warband? An absolutely beloved game where the jank was at least endearing. Viking Conquest Reforged is my favourite DLC ever, for any game, what happened to that creativity and talent? Why can't a team in 2024 keep a server up and running, when Quake 3 Arena to this day has had servers up and running for 25 damn years?
All these questions are pointless though, because one thing TW doesn't do, is communicate. Community tales does not address the complaints, the issues, the demands for more information. We're screaming into the wind here, and I wouldn't be so angry if I didn't spend money on this. Such a waste of potential and time, truly a tragedy.
EDIT: Forgot to mention the exploits, cheaters, and general bugginess of the maps, but why even bother, it took 4 years to fix the Nord Town house glitch