Wings3D Help please! How to shatter a face?

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So I've got this huge face, which I want to randomly subdivide into lots of small faces. I don't care what the exact pattern is, as long as there are a lot of somewhat regularly sized faces as a result of the operation.

How do I do this? Thanks in advance!
go to faces/vertex, and then subdevide 4/3/2 or something in that fashion.. don't recall it excactly though. Then keep doing that to all smaller faces.
edit: Ohh, sorry you're using wings3d, I thought milkshape 3d.
Thanks very much Raz... just figured that one out too, after playing with every thing I could think of.

Select all the long edges, cut-2, tesselate->triangulate, repeat about twice. Yields a pretty regular triangular tiling of the area.
Yess, nice to know it worked. But what did you need it for if I may ask? I'm eager to know now hehe..
Thanks also Deus Ex, you posted just as I did.

Raz said:
Yess, nice to know it worked. But what did you need it for if I may ask? I'm eager to know now hehe..

M&B's lighting engine won't perform shading on faces that are too big. For example, in the Zendar tavern under my graphics settings, people throw shadows on the walls but not on the floor... so I have to break up my nice flat floor for no reason at all but to make the lighting work.

Might be different on different graphics cards, I don't know... but I'm sure as hell going to make it work on my machine at least! :smile:
to subdivide in wings you select the faces/objects you want to subdivide and press "s" or select "smooth"
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