Will it ever be...

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possible in future versions to be able to be a nolder? perhaps a Nolder outcast and you can lead a small group of nolder outcasts as there leader? I think that would be cool.
Whitestrake said:
possible in future versions to be able to be a nolder? perhaps a Nolder outcast and you can lead a small group of nolder outcasts as there leader? I think that would be cool.

Would a half Noldor count?
saxondragon said:
Whitestrake said:
possible in future versions to be able to be a nolder? perhaps a Nolder outcast and you can lead a small group of nolder outcasts as there leader? I think that would be cool.

Would a half Noldor count?
Half a nolder? lol I dont know how that would be possible since nolder hate humans. But it would be cool
Pode said:
Whitestrake said:
[Half a nolder? lol I dont know how that would be possible since nolder hate humans.

The boxes that I have gone through have some interesting references to stories regarding the Half-Noldor.  Indeed, some are the result of rape..these poor folks live much longer lives, and can find peace in neither houise.  However, one was different...the bloodline of Avaldain extends further than one would think possible....

"Here you go sir,some fake ears,and we'll colour your hair yellow,tadaa"
UGH! >.<

Oh well,back to honesty,I would say the fact that playing as a noldor faction player would be interesting,but I would suggest that no self respecting noldor with THAT much post hatred and prejudice against humans would let some random human walk into their town,grab some of their younglings aboard and go off to find fights.

This would also bring a new argument,new noldor towns & castles,or not? etcetera,
It would be a ground breaking change to the current PoP 3.0 map.

But I can suggest a noldor companion to replace raveneye?

Or someone like Tanis Half-Elven - standing between two factions, noticed and repsected but not welcomed by both, torn between his human and elven part.... A whole lot of new possiblities...
Be cool if you could be a Full blooded Nolder from a long past forgotten Nolder King that Ruled the Nolder peacefully with the Humans and aided them in their wars until his trusted General Aeldrian and his commanders tried to overthrow the king and caused a huge civil war that destroyed their homeland and the Kings only Son/Daughter has vowed to defeat the Nolder warlords,unite the remaining Nolder nobles still faithful to the royal blood under their house that ruled the nolder befor the civil war and be the New King/Queen of the Nolder, and Ride to aid a Hero, a Human Friend who aided you in your Revenge against the Nolder Warlords(Kinda like a Faction heir but your at war with every faction in the game) Reclaim Pendor and fullfil the pendor prophecies at an unexpected end. But that would Totally change the face of pendor, Actually it would be like a PoP version 2 but only Nolder style.
Ever since I got the hang of this mod and experienced fighting the Noldor, I've wanted to have the chance to play as a Noldor character. It'd be awesome. And you know it. :smile:
Ever since I got the hang of slaughtering noldor like chopping meat in a butcher shop on my horse,I've wanted to chop more of them.It's awesome.And you know it.  :grin:

Honestly,at the endgame or close,which I got to the point at like 190 days and I'm trying to farm more qualis gems just to buff my character up to a titan or so with the elixir,it gets VERY easy to dominate noldor with good enough horsemen.Their field horses have little hitpoints,and their infantry fall swiftly to the knife-speed-swing of a two hand used runed bastard sword.

Still,if they outnumber your men with a good margin,they can cause serious casualties due to their bows projectile speed and aim.

I wouldnt like that. The reason to this is, that I like to have some mysticism in games to keep them from getting trivial.
When i first started playing this mod I started as empire and snake cult was something that i feared a lot. Those damn Anaconda Knights and the Green Knights they had would made me shiver because they were so darn hard to kill in the beginning of the game and they absolutely slaughtered my troops. I was forced to think of strategies to kill them efficiently and without loosing troops - and that was really exciting and got me a sense of accomplishment. However my character got more exp, money, troops and items and now i slaughter them in thousands for breakfast without even thinking. Now my problems turned from "How do i survive this?" to "How should i manage all those fiefs and get to tournaments around the world so i can get money to pay my troops?" and its really trivial and boring for me. Though Noldors still give me some room for improvement and i like that.
But back to the topic - I really dont think that implementing Noldors as a faction would be a great idea. Id like them to stay the way they are right now, maybe even buff them a little and get them more aggresive? I mean comeon, Noldors have great potential and they hate humans, but all they do is sit in their forest killing small groups of peasants whatnot.
Agreed.After you breach a certain barrier in PoP,most likely being the first castle,the game itself becomes "farming".Kill spawn,take qualis gem,take weapon,kill lords,take cities,win game.
We maybe could figure out ways to make the difficulty scale with the player's level,so the stronger the player gets,stronger armies come into play,and make the game much more hectic than farming.

Ãbyss said:
Agreed.After you breach a certain barrier in PoP,most likely being the first castle,the game itself becomes "farming".Kill spawn,take qualis gem,take weapon,kill lords,take cities,win game.
We maybe could figure out ways to make the difficulty scale with the player's level,so the stronger the player gets,stronger armies come into play,and make the game much more hectic than farming.


And this is exactly the essence of the problem statement we are addressing in the next full release. 


I dunno, I like the Noldor being shrouded in mystery. If you got the choice to play as them, you would have to reveal a lot about them as the player character would know all about them.
Seems to me like there is a fair amount of interest in playing as Noldor, personally I'm against it. Seems to me that playing as a Noldor is like an entirely different game. It would be a huge break in not only the story but the mysticism of PoP. If a player were a Noldor then in my mind the entire victory conditions/objective of the game would have to change.

Why would a Noldor seek to subject human kingdoms? Why would a Noldor stoop to using human equipment, or human troops? Why would human companions follow a Noldor leader? Why would human cities or lords even suffer a Noldor adventurer to be in their presence?
In my opinion there are no good answers to these questions in the existing PoP lore.
I like the noldor idea, but then magic comes into play, and Im not sure anyone ahs put a good magic system in this game.

Talking about companions though, how would I go about making a few?  I want to add a few into my PoP game.

Three or four warriors Ive played in pencil and paper games that I want as companions, start them off at level 1 just like me.

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