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Hi folks. I have spent most of my non-work time during the past couple of days playing Mount and Blade, and I can see it will be entertaining me for awhile. I am currently at work, and since Sunday is my self-chosen "work on the internal wiki" day its a fairly relaxed day for me and I have been scrounging through the forums for useful tidbits. Since I am sure to forget much of it and do not wish to have to search the forums again later, I've been putting what I gather into a wiki format that will hopefully be a bit easier to read. My goal is to make something useful for me, but its quite possible that something useful for others as well will be created in the process.
For anyone wanting to take a look or (even better!) contribute, it currently resides at If other folks do begin using and/or contributing to it I will register a domain name for the wiki.

For those wondering what a Wiki is, you may wish to take a look here and/or here[/url]
Good idea, a Wiki is never wrong :grin:

I have added something about Mounted archery, though it is propably half-wrong - but the beauty is that anyone who knows iot better can just edit it :lol:

It would be great if Tiedye, Wanderer&co would enter their manuals and Tips (or would give their ok that someone else adds it).

Oh, and maybe you should add a third Category - Miscellanous, FAQ, or something like that - For example "Will this game be Fantasy", or "Corrupted savegames" - the later with a descpription of the corrupted savegame-problem, and how to solve it.

(I would have tried that myself, but as I don't know how to make new pages and categories.)
You can make a new page using a few different methods:

search for what you think the name should be; if its not found you'll be given the option to create it.

Enter the URL for the page, and again if its not found you can create it.

Make a link to it from another page (using [[page name]]), then click on the link and create it.

Categories are created essentialy the same way I believe, and then you just add pages to that category by including [[Category:<categoryname>]] in any page (though I haven't played much with that aspect)
You can stuff the archery stuff wherever. :smile: It's meant to help. You don't have to give me credit, just don't take credit yourself if you use my poor excuses for jokes. :wink:

Btw, nice site concept. Now, hopefully Armagan doesn't mind.
I think it's a good idea although for a game in beta development it may be premature. However, my confidence remains high that a Wiki reference may be due sooner rather than later.
You can find the wiki at now (though the previous url given will continue to work as well).

I would be glad to host mod files and screen shots for people as well. It should be possible to set up an method of uploading such via the wiki, but I have to look into that (it might be possible as is, not sure). In the meantime, you can email any M&B files you want to see hosted at "kevin at kevinsworld dot info"
Hirokache said:
Hmm, what kind of trouble?

From page:
Click edit for Tools

Brings me to page:

The page itself, though, displays the error: The page cannot be found.
Hmm, looks like all of the "section edits" will be broken for now. You can still use "Edit This Page" at the very bottom to edit, but that is less convenient.

Let me see why its not looking in the right place.
Looks like it was a cacheing problem. It should be cleared up now, but if you still see such a problem occur there or with any other link, first try refreshing the page. If that does not fix it, clear your browser's cache and the problem should be taken care of.
I just wanted to bring to your attention that I'm going to put some effort in expanding the MB Wiki again, as it seems to stalled. You are very welcome to comment (and contribute as well, of course).
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