
Hi folks. I have spent most of my non-work time during the past couple of days playing Mount and Blade, and I can see it will be entertaining me for awhile. I am currently at work, and since Sunday is my self-chosen "work on the internal wiki" day its a fairly relaxed day for me and I have been scrounging through the forums for useful tidbits. Since I am sure to forget much of it and do not wish to have to search the forums again later, I've been putting what I gather into a wiki format that will hopefully be a bit easier to read. My goal is to make something useful for me, but its quite possible that something useful for others as well will be created in the process.
For anyone wanting to take a look or (even better!) contribute, it currently resides at http://tinyurl.com/9m7w2 If other folks do begin using and/or contributing to it I will register a domain name for the wiki.
For those wondering what a Wiki is, you may wish to take a look here and/or here[/url]
For anyone wanting to take a look or (even better!) contribute, it currently resides at http://tinyurl.com/9m7w2 If other folks do begin using and/or contributing to it I will register a domain name for the wiki.
For those wondering what a Wiki is, you may wish to take a look here and/or here[/url]