wich Crobow typs can be reloaded from horseback???

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i wasnt here for a while, and iam astonished about the progress here!!! when i joined there where about 250 or 300 users registered, and now above 3000 :shock:
and i also read that armagan got a new office...congratulation!

but now ontopic:

iam happy that you can reload lighter crossbows on horseback now, but iam asking if anyone know what exactly "light crossbows" are? wich types?

i know that the hunting crossbow is reloadable an HB, becouse i start with one.
and i dont want to spent my hard earned money on a crossbow that i cant use afterwards.

i did a search but all crossbow topics i found, werent helpfull.

thx for the help,
The problem is that Marnid and Borcha don't reload their crossbows when mounted (tried it with the light crossbow). Bug?
That and the one, two handed B sword feature are the best things that have happened to my game in a good deal of time.
Now I only need my Vaegir horse archers back.
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