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why vaegirs don't have crossbowmans?or why can't i see a npc vaegir marksman or npc swadian sharpshooter travelling?and why king yaroglek wanted me to bring 6 swadian footmans?doesn't he know there is no npc swadian footmans?finally why all vaegir knights become mounted when i choose swadians?
1. Crossbows are for pancies and sissies and wussies and all low life scum who can't use a bow properly -> Perfect fit for the swadians.

2. All vaegir knights are mounted, allways (unless someone kills their horse, duh).

3. The king likes to mess with your head. :wink:
i know what is crossbow for.this is my second game so i wanted to use crossbow.in my game even vaegir horsemans is not mounted(50% of horsemans are mounted)so i'm using infrantry
Vaegir horsemen are mounted 100% of the time for me. BUT some of the vaegir veterans are mounted and some are not.
every horseman must be mounted!!but in my game many of them don't have horses :sad:
mine should be a bug or something i don't know.do vaegir knights have horses(in my game they don't have)
And there are Swadian footmen. They are, if I remember correctly, upgraded from militia. And Vaegir knights and horsemen have horses.
sharp_spike said:
there is no NPC swadian footmen

1. Hire Swadian footmen.
2. Fight raiders or dark hunters, and lose.
3. Make sure they took your footmen prisoner
4. Follow them until they fight a swadian party, and lose.
5. The swadian party should now have footmen in it, if there was room for it.
6. Attack them and capture the footmen.

I've honestly never noticed that NPC parties never had footmen in them. If that's true, it should be posted in the bug forums.
There are footman. Its really a pain in the neck to find a party who has them though. It's even more annoying if its a war party and you are rather weak. Well, going single is something but still those evil crossbowmen can give you and old school head shot :evil:
there is no NPC swadian footmen
there ARE... I captured 4... I need two more :smile: they were in swadian war parties indeed.
yes there is not npc SWADÝAN footmen,there is npc VAEGÝR footmen
but there isnt propper english! oh noes!

j/k dude

I have noticed that it is IMPOSSIBLE to find an NPC party with the highest ranking infantry units, or even second-highest. I personally think that's bull****. They have archers, and they have knights. They don't have Vaegir Guards/Swadian Seargents.

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