Why would I want to give away a Fief?

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For what reason would I want to give anything I conquer away to be ruled by another? Will they go out and patrol to stop my villages being raided by enemies? Generate more income? I've seen posts on how to do it, but nothing in the manual or searches as to the benefits of it.

And why does strategywiki hate me, I simply cannot log onto it, despite it coming up repeatedly in my Google searches.
Gazius said:
For what reason would I want to give anything I conquer away to be ruled by another? Will they go out and patrol to stop my villages being raided by enemies? Generate more income? I've seen posts on how to do it, but nothing in the manual or searches as to the benefits of it.

You must work on wall street or something.  :mrgreen:

Seriously, the object of the game is to conquer Calradia. You can't do it by yourself. You get the help of vassals, whom you have to reward for their efforts and loyalty to you. It's sort of like real life in that sense. When you give away a fief, it helps that vassal maintain his army, and yes, they patrol and protect the villages. When those villages are safe, then the town they trade with does better, which is particularly good if you own that town. That's just one of many scenarios. The benefits of having vassals and giving away fiefs seems rather intuitive to me, and to others, and that's probably why it's not spelled out in a wiki somewhere. When King Whathisface comes to kick your butt and take away all those fiefs, you'll be glad to have those vassals.
Tax inefficiency? Also, if you have 0 lords, you'll get megagang-banged trying to take on the last factions stronghold. There would be like 20 lords or some rubbish.
if you give a fief away (as a king/queen) you get the benefits of:
A lord with a bigger army then a fiefsless lord
Tax inefficency will be lower
you will not have to garrison the fief (in case of a town or castle)

and be honest, you cant be everywhere. can you?
You will lose standings with lords without fiefs every few days until they hate you and leave your kingdom for another.
Which means: you make more enemies than you can handle alone.
Fearghus The Killer said:
You must work on wall street or something.  :mrgreen:


Thanks everyone for the answers. I assumed there was some benefit to it, but I didn't want to jump in with realistic play, and figure out that you either need a mod, or some advice, like when buying cattle. I plundered a whole town for taxes for a lord, got run out of there, and took my ill-gotten gains to get those damn beasts. AND THEN THEY RUN OFF. My wallet and morals were so violated.  :cry:
Dohati said:
I just wish I knew how to take away their fiefs. :sad:

If you are king you can indict them for treason and strip them of their feifs..

I don't want more than 1 feif because I have to pay for troops.
Well, I'd prefer a way other than that... Since I only have one other vassal and the others don't want to join me... I just accidently gave him more than I wanted. xD
iffy said:
I don't want more than 1 feif because I have to pay for troops.
1) You can have all the villages you want
2) If you dont set owner for a garrisonable fief you can still garrison it and doesnt need to pay upkeep.
Rescent game I played I was getting charged for my unassigned garrisons but I can't remember if it was 1.127 or 1.131
Since its near impossible to conquer Calradia by yourself, it makes sense to keep some fiefs free, then give them to the other Lords of the realm. This will keep them sweet, and may guarantee that they stay on your side, at least until someone comes up with a better offer :wink:
I'm planning personally to hold Dhirim and most of the surrounding villages for myself, give castles away to lords, and a couple of villages. I'm thinking Dhirim plus some villages will probably give me a good balance if income and tax efficiency right?.
Krald said:
I'm planning personally to hold Dhirim and most of the surrounding villages for myself, give castles away to lords, and a couple of villages. I'm thinking Dhirim plus some villages will probably give me a good balance if income and tax efficiency right?.
There's no harm in hoarding as many villages as you can and cap tax efficiency. Aside from tax, you get to construct important village improvements such as message posts and watch towers which are critical to intercept enemy movements.
Does anyone else here have a problem with having too many vassals? If I have more than 5 vassals, and give a fief away, that vassal gains 10 relation and most others lose 3 relation. Ultimately, this means that by having more than 5 vassals you will never be able to keep them all happy, and eventually all of them will just leave you. If anyone knows a fix to this I would really appreciate this. Its the only thing about this game that has been bothering me.

(And I know you can talk to vassals and ask what they would like to see happen to make the relation go positive, but its virtually impossible to do it that way once you reach a certain amount of vassals, due to the fact that they don't all always agree with each other.)
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