Why would I get 30000 xp from looters

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Berserker Pride

Grandmaster Knight
Okay I've got this bug ingame for my mod. It only seems to happen when the player is alone.  But if I kill any bandit party singlehanded I get 30000xp and an equally gratuitous amount of money.  I haven't changed any of the scripts that set loot amounts or modified the calculate_shares script.  What else could be the problem?
Perhaps due to the party-scale? If your single handed defeated a 100 man. Perhaps M&B will calculate the xp-renown on the fact that you where severly outnumberd(read negative battle advantage, and will multiple in a certain way the xp-gain?). Otherwise i would have no idea. And btw, some of your cities in your mod(beserk) have a city-leaving bug. You will be stuck in the city untill you save&exit and reload your game. I believe Vritanis or Holy City was the one with the bug.
I think I got a fix for those I'll just change the menu.  I posted the fix in the other thread.  The wierd thing is this bug happens whether or not I'm fighting 6 looters or 30 mercenaries.  I didn't change the script that doles out xp and money at all and it still happens. Thanks for the feedback and bug report though.
No problem. Love your mod(even though only playing it since yesterday)! If only it was a infantry only mod hehe.
Even though working on that myself. But it's a strange bug, it would have made sense with what i said,hopefully you get it sorted!
Ok I found the solution but I don't know why it is the solution
      (store_script_param_1, ":party"), #Party_id
      (assign, reg(0),0),
      (party_get_num_companion_stacks, ":num_stacks",":party"),
      (try_for_range, ":i_stack", 0, ":num_stacks"),
        (party_stack_get_troop_id, ":stack_troop",":party",":i_stack"),
        (neg|troop_is_hero, ":stack_troop"),
        (store_character_level, ":stack_strength", ":stack_troop"),
        (val_add, ":stack_strength", 12),#KKM strength bonus weakened. This makes higher lvl parties better against lower(for the hawks)
        (val_mul, ":stack_strength", ":stack_strength"),
        (val_div, ":stack_strength", 100),
        (party_stack_get_size, ":stack_size",":party",":i_stack"),
        (party_stack_get_num_wounded, ":num_wounded",":party",":i_stack"),
        (val_sub, ":stack_size", ":num_wounded"),
        (val_mul, ":stack_strength", ":stack_size"),
        (val_add,reg(0), ":stack_strength"),
I had changed the 12 to 8 because I thought this would only affect autocalc.  I want to make it so that parties with higher lvl troops fare better in autocalc against lower lvl.  You'll notice this code stores the character lvl of the troop adds 12 then multiplies itself.  so looters lvl(2)2+12=14x14=196    huskarls 28+12=40x40=1600 hmm maybe its not necessary anyway.
But in any case why would changing the 12 to 8 mess up the money and xp you get from parties while alone?
That seems likely I suppose especially considering I got no renown either when fighting 18 mountain bandits alone. 
Scripts is tricky it seems most of the scripts slut around with a bunch of other scripts.  What ever happened to monogamy!?
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