Why won't my custom body texture show up

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Berserker Pride

Grandmaster Knight
I created a new texture for the human body for a monster type race. Then I copied the human body and gave it the new texture naming it monster_body. I added everything to module_skins for the new race and the race works good. Except... none of the modified textures show up the guys just have that white untextured look. Their new monster faces work fine but the body refuses to get a texture. Anyone know what could be wrong?
Ok I hate to answer my own question but I solved the problem.  I had tried to put materials in one folder textures in another and meshes in a third brf file just like the race stuff is setup in native.  But for some reason it wanted all three of those in the same brf resource file to work.  So yea for future reference be careful splitting up those three items in your new mod stuff.  It seems to work better all in one file.
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