why M&B2?

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Cleaning agent

Grandmaster Knight
I have been thinking. Why make an M&B2 isn't it better to have a whole new type of game. Let's face it M&B is great but I think that, while M&B isn't perfect, it is as close as I ever got to it so why the need for an M&B2? And even if we did have M&B2 it would mostly be the same features as the current game.
Maybe M&B2 should be called something else like "three eyed blaarkzkuilger and positron radium pistol" set in the future? A new genre altogether or at least a different time period like the future would be great!
Woah, woah wait. MB1 hasnt even been released, you cant say anything like that when it hasnt even come out of it's beta stage.
Three eyed blaarkzkuilger recieved 200 damage.
Three eyed blaarkzkuilger fell dead.
damnit not again!
Cleaning agent said:
I have been thinking. Why make an M&B2 isn't it better to have a whole new type of game. Let's face it M&B is great but I think that, while M&B isn't perfect, it is as close as I ever got to it so why the need for an M&B2? And even if we did have M&B2 it would mostly be the same features as the current game.
Maybe M&B2 should be called something else like "three eyed blaarkzkuilger and positron radium pistol" set in the future? A new genre altogether or at least a different time period like the future would be great!

Well, plenty of things can be added:

Better graphics
Physics (bodies ragdolling)
New "weapons" (flaming arrows)
New locations (the Isle of the South Sea)
Storyline (Help! The evil __________ have taken our ___________)
Ship Combat
Vehicle Combat (Wagons)
Weaponized Combat (Small Cannons, Pulled Cannons)
Engines of War (Catapults, Trebuchets, Cannons)
Weapons (Muskets, Blunderbuss, ect)


So, what is wrong with Mount & Blade 2?
All Armagan and his wife need to do is leap forward in time. And since it is a different world weapons do fit in. Add a roman type era with muskets.

Mount & Blade 2 is a great idea, however it should be considered after Mount & Blade is finished.

Probably because there are a lot of features people want to see added that would prove unwieldy with the current engine.
With M&B 2, Armagan could rebuild the engine to make these features (like multiplayer) easier to implement. Theres likely a ton of stuff he's learned coding the engine that he'd like to experiment with, but would require a total engine rebuild. Not something you want to do in the middle of the game's testing process.
Shouldn´t we leave that decision to Armagan anyway?
Maybe he wants to retire after M&B1? :wink:
And if not, shouldn´t this be in the suggestions forum, where it can be more easily ignored? :roll:
Husar said:
Shouldn´t we leave that decision to Armagan anyway?
Maybe he wants to retire after M&B1? :wink:
And if not, shouldn´t this be in the suggestions forum, where it can be more easily ignored? :roll:
You got a point here . :wink:
Juicy_jae said:
Woah, woah wait. MB1 hasnt even been released, you cant say anything like that when it hasnt even come out of it's beta stage.

It isn't that uncommon for game developers to work on a sequel before the game is released. I believe the folks at Bethesda were working on Oblivion before Morrowind hit the shelves...
M&B: Total War....

Well, it's not all bad to refine the concept of the sequel so they can start at once they released the first one.
Ryuta said:
M&B: Total War....

Exactly. I think the reason so many features are "wait for M&B 2" is difficulty of implementation in the current engine. The core concept is great, but there are bound to be technical limitations due to this being a first attempt. M&B 2 as a Total War style game you can play hands on, and in multiplayer would be absolutely amazing.
Dunno how far Armagan can take this concept by himself. He's obviously a great dev and talented programmer, but it would take him about a decade to build this or a sequel into a BF42/TW/Elder scrolls quality game. The money he receives from beta key purchases won't be enough to fund a 20 person dev team, at some point or another he'll have to sell it to a publishing house or at least a large dev house and work for them, hopefully retaining enough control of the content so that he can stick to his vision of a realistic medieval FPS/RPG.
In an interview I read, he did say he would probably go right on to working on M&B 2 after M&B 1 was finished.

Anyhow, I definitely think he should make M&B 2 rather than something else. Many independant games are made, but in my opinion, none have been as good as M&B. It's not easy to come up with such a great design for a game. If he did another game, the most important thing would be coming up with an amazing concept like he did for M&B... but I don't see that happening.

Although I have no doubt he could make another great game, I think M&B 2 would be better than anything else he could make.
Multiplayer and huge battles are both too difficult on the current version but would be great in M&B 2.
A'l I hope for in m&b2 is linux support and multiplayer, the game concept its great as it is, and a simple continuation of the basic story would make for a good game, since it's the gameplay and not the story that drives m&b on.
yeah m&B2 is all well and good but what I am saying is that if we make m&b two with guns and wtv then it will become M&M (mount and musket) and so will be a different game... I am not saying that I do not want a sequel I am simply saying that, considering how brilliant M&B1 is, why bother making another one? Make a whole new type of game with a different engine or wtv and a whole different concept of gameplay or we risk doing like Electronic Arts and just making games like Battle for Middle Earth2 with no difference to gameplay except 2 new civilisation and a few extra powers!
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