Why is Ramun, the Slave Trader still in existence?

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As far as I was aware there has been a completely new (and better) prisoner ransom system, one that awards you more gold for better tier troops. Our stuck in the past friend Ramun, who likes hanging out in Nord taverns, doesn't seem to understand that, and still only buys prisoners for 50 denars each. It also seems like 'real' ransom brokers never visit the same towns and Ramun, making this quite the inconvenience.

Would somebody kindly delete Ramun from existence for all eternity, or at the very least fix his pricing system?
Well, the prices are presumably fixed because he sells them as slaves. Ransom brokers can afford to pay more for them because they themselves get more. A slave is a slave, but a wealthy family makes the difference. :razz:
AWdeV said:
Well, the prices are presumably fixed because he sells them as slaves. Ransom brokers can afford to pay more for them because they themselves get more. A slave is a slave, but a wealthy family makes the difference. :razz:

lol didn't you watch gladiator? some slaves were valued more than others for their strength or stamina

I think an enslaved knight would be much more useful than an enslaved farmer, but peasant women should fetch the highest price
AWdeV said:
Well, the prices are presumably fixed because he sells them as slaves. Ransom brokers can afford to pay more for them because they themselves get more. A slave is a slave, but a wealthy family makes the difference. :razz:

Ramun sells them as galley slaves. Ransom brokers sell them, as themselves, back to their families. And Ramun does indeed pay more than brokers for poorer quality prisoners. :wink:
I think there should be a random "Ramun" type merchant standard in every town, and when you find a ransom broker it's a special treat but if you need to you can sell prisoners cheap in every city. It's be especially nice in the early game before we have prisons in our fiefs.
Yeah, that's what I'd say, basically roleplaying reasons.  I mean, if you just wanted to be a ****, would you rather ransom someone or sell them directly into slavery?
Dryvus said:
I like selling prisoners that I especially hate to a life pulling oars.

Once I got one of those quests from a guild master where you hunt down a band of outlaws (I got really bored). Unfortunately what I didn't realize was that these guys apparently decided to run a marathon from Sargoth (where I started) down near Dhirim, back up towards Rivacheg, but later turning south and almost reaching Khergit lands before somehow evading me for about a month (game time) until I finally caught their trail again and found them in the great white north above Khudan. It took me about 3 weeks (real time) to find that one group of 20 or so looters...it's still satisfying to imagine them spending the rest of their lives being yelled at by some Nord captain telling them to row harder  :razz:
HannibalTheCannibal said:
I think there should be a random "Ramun" type merchant standard in every town, and when you find a ransom broker it's a special treat but if you need to you can sell prisoners cheap in every city. It's be especially nice in the early game before we have prisons in our fiefs.

I want this so bad that I cheat to make it happen.
Another reason Ramun is still in existence is so you can sell your prisoners and make some room for new ones if you do not meet any ransom brokers. I think we should leave him in.
Afterall, if you dont want to sell to him, you dont have to.
MrRipYourHeadOff said:
AWdeV said:
Well, the prices are presumably fixed because he sells them as slaves. Ransom brokers can afford to pay more for them because they themselves get more. A slave is a slave, but a wealthy family makes the difference. :razz:

lol didn't you watch gladiator? some slaves were valued more than others for their strength or stamina

I think an enslaved knight would be much more useful than an enslaved farmer, but peasant women should fetch the highest price
Yeah, because strength and stamina are so important when your future job requirements will only consist of saying "Heave! Ho!"

Ramun should be kept.
Well considering Ramun is always in the same place, Tihr IIRC, you could make a career just hunting down bandits and selling them into slavery. If you have a high prisoner management skill and a lot of blunt weapons, you could be making a fair amount of cash from working with good ol' Ramun.

On the other hand, you can't really do this with the normal ransom brokers, as you can't rely on them always being in the same place and they pay less for lower quality prisoners (i.e. most bandits) than Ramun does.
Once i saw ramun in yalen....... And in Brytenwalda he has a cape.....
killer110 said:
Yeah, because strength and stamina are so important when your future job requirements will only consist of saying "Heave! Ho!"

Ramun should be kept.

You really don't see how strength and stamina would be important for a galley slave?  Go work out on a rowing machine for 15 minutes at high speed and then consider having to do that for 12 hours a day until you're too weak to continue and thrown overboard. 
... You're saying that because a crewman isn't working his oar to full capacity, they would be better off not using the oar at all?
Dryvus said:
... You're saying that because a crewman isn't working his oar to full capacity, they would be better off not using the oar at all?

When did I say that?  Human beings can only do that type of work for so long before they pass out or die.  Once they were used up, the crew threw them overboard and replaced them.  The slave's strength and endurance would determine how long they lasted.  Obviously stronger slaves should bring a higher price.

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