why don't ya make it online

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think once man; armagan i'm talkin' to ya. think that maybe it's better to see us online i'm also a game programmer and also from TR so i advice you to (what's the link between advice and TR i don't know also :lol:) use directplay for online. With the help of online you we can share everything we want we can make clans and groups for fighting we can trade anything we found and the best one we can share our stories without this forums. We can c who is the best.

Armaðan bunu mutlaka düþün. Online çok iyi olabilir

Best Regards;

(it become kinda letter huh?:lol:)
Online isnt a very good idear because the costs will go very high.
But it would be fun to make youre server, just like games a counterstrike, where you can just do the same as offline but also talk, fight & ride together with the othre party. And ofcource lan. Than you can have mount&blade lan party´s
You know, it would be extremely difficult to recode a game initially designed as single player just to implement the Baldur's Gate "single party with one leader" implementation. And it would mean that all work on the game except for the artwork would have to come to a dead stop until it was done. There's not a chance in hell we would get multiple parties due to the way time is handled for battles, inns, and the overworld map. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see multiplayer, but that's something that has to be decided in the design phase prior to any coding.
Maybe something where you could import your character and army, and fight other players' armies on a battlefield.
I think first he needs to finish the real game, which I have a feeling will sell VERY well. And he may even want to consider going retail.

But a MMORPG like system for this game, cannot be ruled out. Certainly it would we wise to wait until the first game comes out, but the money and fan base you get from a MMORPG is huge.

It would be strange though... has there been a live action MMORPG yet?
One step at a time people. Lets let him finish the single player game before you start jumping on him for an online version.

As far as the online version goes, I would suggest it go in a MMORPG direction as uploading characters would probably just lead to a lot of cheaters/hackers dominating. :roll:
Even just the combat released as a multiplayer game would be a lot of fun, you choose your team of riders, ie. four friends + 20 npc's versus four friends + 20 npc's. Choose terrain, armor/weapons, then go at it, would be awesome fun

But, the game should be finished for single player before anything else, plus i think any moment now a big games company will snap this game up and give it the support it needs, hope it doesn't ruin it though :eek:
The came could go online but that would mean armagan would have to stop working on the game and work on coding it for multiplayer (quite hard). Also there are issues within the game mechanics that would have to be considered,for example:

- World time, whe you're in a battle time stops, what happens to other players, does their time stop?
- Purchasing items/doing same quests at the same time, what happens if somebody else kills the bandits you were supposed to kill?
- Coding would be hard
- Ability to kill eachother? Players picking on newer players
- Server software would need to be created

I think we should just let armagan keep doing what he's got planned, because it seems to be working so far, all we can do is suggest things, but i trust him from current evidence (damn fun game) that the game is gonna be damn good. When i'm having this much fun i'm not going to complain about multiplayer
Basically I think people are asking for a total war setup where as the campaign is single but the combat is multi.

It would be great to do the tourney or just regular field battles, doesnt even need to have npcs in there to complicate things, Just however many players can connect to a server.

and yeah "online" doesnt cost anything. Armagan wouldnt be hosting servers, people would make their own.

I dont think people realize how complicated lengthy and expensive it is to make a MMORPG. These games take years to make and can cost into the millions. I Have been following and testing online games for almost 10 years now and have tested and played most of them.

Armagan would need to hire about 10 more people and get someone to back him for years, paying salaries and all that junk. The game itself right now doesnt lend itself to a mmorpg format so it would have to be totally redone.

I wish games like jedi knight were this good :razz:
You're right Mad programmer, great idea. Because it's so much easier for armagan to just make an entire online component so we can share our stories instead of him simply setting up a forum on a website he already has to keep online in the first place...
Just thinking. Is there some sort of shortage of online games? From my view that's all we get nowadays (apart from this gem).

I'm not saying it SHOULDN'T add online features. I just don't see any huge shortage of such games. Not my cup of tea but good for those who like it :smile:.

The strength with games like this, Darklands and Morrowind is that they focus on strong game play instead of putting all their efforts into multiplayer(huge resource demanding task involving more than just using DirectPlay dll:s).

Bluesman said:
Just thinking. Is there some sort of shortage of online games? From my view that's all we get nowadays (apart from this gem).

I'm not saying it SHOULDN'T add online features. I just don't see any huge shortage of such games. Not my cup of tea but good for those who like it :smile:.

The strength with games like this, Darklands and Morrowind is that they focus on strong game play instead of putting all their efforts into multiplayer(huge resource demanding task involving more than just using DirectPlay dll:s).


There is an abundance of online games, some are decent, the vast majority are utter crap though.... There isn't a shortage of online games, just a shortage of online games that are fun to play, and even a little bit innovative...
I'd quite like to see an option to have multiplayer deathmatches like the tournaments, except that you choose your equipment. Characters would be generic predefined ones rather than using your single player ones as allowing people to import characters would make cheating far too easy. A MMORPG or multiplayer campaign would take far too much work without all that much benefit.
That is a model I think would be easier to implement. Just the action sequence. He could even make it a separate game altogether.

Just a seperate combat sequence would be awesome. Even if it was just the arena. Have the players seperate into 2 teams with the option of having AI guys with you. Have a set of predefined characters (like the guys in arena) that you can chose from. Each would have the equipment and skills to suit what they are. Archer would have bow, arrows, and good power draw and archery skill. Mounted archer would take a slight hit to power draw and get mounted archery. Then you could have a sword&shield guy, a 2h weapon guy, a throwing weapon guy (on and off horse), and a mounted lance/shield guy. Maybe throw in a few hybrids with range and melee weapons, but they wouldnt be quite as good as the focused ones.

Even just arena combat would be very fun - I enjoy the arena with AI to some extent, but it would be oh so much better with other players.

Doesnt seem like itd be too complicated - just some basic coding for the multiplayer, a few new menus to select it, and the same combat map, weapons, rules, etc as the original game.

It might be a bit more complicated than that, but it doesnt seem like itd be too complicated... *shrug*
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