Why don't Mercs have Horses

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Okay im a noob and can you give horses to ur mercs or do they have to be like a knight or something.

P.S. Not talking about Heroes
Welcome to the forums, Hallid. :smile:

You can only give items (this includes horses) to your heroes.

Your regular soldiers upgrade their equipment as they go up in the advancement levels.

Hope that helps,

Thanx i thought that might be case and i sck at editing i completely messed up morrowind trying to edit. :smile:
the 'mercenary' unit doesn't always use horses, which is sad. infantry lancemen simply suck
If you would have checked a few lines down you would have noticed these threads:

"I cant give my people gear...." On page 1


"How do i equip my troops please help!" On page 2

I guess that thread (or the other) would have answered to your question also.

So, check the latest upgrade tree to see which units have horses
*edit* Here:

My point is that it's better to check the topics of the first two pages before going 'search', as it is always tricky... using search i mean...

So we don't end up discussing about the same topics every page... Though trough repetition comes mastery... or something...
Methinks its good that the developers didn't give you the flexibility of equiping your troops, otherwise you would never fight in fear of loosing your ultra chaps. It IS annoying that the heros don't have a proper equip screen yet, but I'm sure that this will be one of the things they smooth out by the time the full game is out.

Oggy out.
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