Why does my guy keep moving in various directions by himself

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I'm not sure if I'm experiencing a bug or something, but I've just started playing the game and my character keeps moving by himself in different directions. More specifically, I'll be walking forward, but then *sometimes* even after I release the W key, the guy keeps walking forward and I can't seem to stop him. This also happens *sometimes* even when I'm strafing left or right (the guy keeps walking left or right even after I let go of the keys...)

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
Never seen that before but it may be a problem of the keys being stuck from time to time and that would cause your character to keep going on for a while until it returned to its original position.
lancer63 said:
Never seen that before but it may be a problem of the keys being stuck from time to time and that would cause your character to keep going on for a while until it returned to its original position.
Yeah, it seems like the game wants me to mouse-look back to the "behind-the-character" position before it will accept commands again. How do I prevent this from happening?

I don't have cheat mode enabled :sad:
I've seen this bug happen on various computers on various games. Yoy hold down a button but after you release it it still acts as if you are holding it down. You just have to press the button again to make it stop.
I can't remember which key it was ... or what thread it was in .....

Anyways ... I seem to remember reading about a key that you could press that activated the AI to control your character.

Did a super fast search for it and didn't find it ... but thats what this sounds like.

If memory serves me correctly ... it was one of the F keys ... like F9 or some such ...

Anyone able to find that thread or even remembers it ... feel free to jump in. :razz:
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