MP Why do 2-hander classes need a shield? :D

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Seriously, it's absurd that the actual one weakness of the 2 hander classes (struggling against ranged) is removed this way. Here's why it's not good to give them a shield:

In Skirmish mode: The maps are quite small and cluttered with cover, so the distances from where you get shot aren't too far. This gives you only a few shots before the 2-hander guy gets to you. I can safely say that by far the most of the people playing skirmish can't hit 100% of their shots as archers or crossbowmen. The "weak" shield blocks so many arrows (much over 5 at least, probably more against weaker bows) that it lets you just walk up to the ranged guys, whip out your 2-hander and kill them easily. The point here is that you should either:
A) Use a shield class with a 1-handed weapon if you want to have a shield.
B) Try to dodge the arrows and take cover behind scene props and your shielded teammates.

In Captain mode: The captain walks in front of his squad with a shield walking sideways, taking most of the shots for them from an archer squad. Yes he might die, but only after the archer squad has shot him for way too long and let the 2-hander squad just stomp them.

Again, why give a shield to a class of which the point is sacrificing protection (shield and some armor) for damage output (2-hander)?
Because before they got shields they were literally unplayable in Skirmish, throwing weapons would instantly(and still can, if they are lucky enough) kill you.

Yes it buffs an already strong unit in captain but that’s unintended collateral at this point
Which is perfectly acceptable imo, not sure what the exact implementation is rn in multiplayer, I assumed shields were perks.

For Voulgier it’s a perk(and that’s funny cause it’s arguably the shock inf, and it doesn’t take that perk)

Everyone else gets a small heater shield that breaks in 2 hits in melee by default
It's been months since the last time and I still see threads that raise the same doubts about the same issues. The solution I proposed months ago, but it seems that nobody cares about a simple and realistic mechanics like a fast movement.

It's been months since the last time and I still see threads that raise the same doubts about the same issues. The solution I proposed months ago, but it seems that nobody cares about a simple and realistic mechanics like a fast movement. If I have to give you a more "visual" example of how the mechanic works, then go to minute 1:32 and you will see a sort of quick and not exaggerated dodge. Well, the one I propose above is even less exaggerated than the one in the video.
link video on youtube, game: chronos before the ashes, go to 1:32
Because before they got shields they were literally unplayable in Skirmish, throwing weapons would instantly(and still can, if they are lucky enough) kill you.

Yes it buffs an already strong unit in captain but that’s unintended collateral at this point
In captain only the player gets a shield? So it's not that great
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