Why can't I instantly absorb a companions party into mine?

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Sergeant at Arms
First I have to disband the companion's party, then I have to wait for the companion to travel aimlessly from settlement to settlement. If I talk to him during this "disbanding" period, there is no option tell him to join into my party. What gives?
First I have to disband the companion's party, then I have to wait for the companion to travel aimlessly from settlement to settlement. If I talk to him during this "disbanding" period, there is no option tell him to join into my party. What gives?
No idea.

An easy work around is to just talk to the party leader on the world map (or in the keep/tavern) before disbanding and select "Let me inspect your troops." Then you can take all of them except the party leader.
Yeah it would be great to be able to take them into you party directly without the extra, time wasting, buggy, step of them disbanding and whatever other check the game does. I would also be very useful to access their gear with the talking menu to change gear or flags without having to change party leader.
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