Why are the Russians so good?

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I play as the brits and do pretty well, but whenever I get in a fight with a bunch of pinko bastards, they rip the **** out of me. Just five minutes ago, I had 117 guys (me and Lord Clais) against 56 guys (Lord Matheas) and he won with 5 guys to spare. My soldiers are firing nonstop but my allies just get completely owned right away and when they reach me for melee, I get destroyed. Plus their cavalry gets like 40% of their kills. Please explain some tactics to deal with these overpowered commies.
Use heavy cavalry and massed musketry. Cossack are incredibly overpowered. I loathe them. Which is why I created the KGL Light Dragoon and the KGL L.D. Officer, who use decent, heavy swords and are dedicated melee cavalry.
Maybe moral can also be a problem. Attacking enemy armies while your troops have average moral isn't a good idea. The fightingskills of your soldiers decrease a little when the moral of your party isn't high enough... Make sure that you have enough food (with moral boosters like butter etc...) with you before going on a campaign...

It's all the vodka you see, you'd think the Irish are tough because they eat all those potatoes, but vodka consists of consists of concentrated potatoes. It's like giving Popeye concentrated radioactive spinach. Doubtless, each will shorten the lives of the users, but the awesomeness of back-flipping-axe-throwing-terrorist-combat-techniques doesn't come at a cheap price.
Swadius said:
It's all the vodka you see, you'd think the Irish are tough because they eat all those potatoes, but vodka consists of consists of concentrated potatoes. It's like giving Popeye concentrated radioactive spinach. Doubtless, each will shorten the lives of the users, but the awesomeness of back-flipping-axe-throwing-terrorist-combat-techniques doesn't come at a cheap price.

westside said:
I play as the brits and do pretty well, but whenever I get in a fight with a bunch of pinko bastards, they rip the **** out of me. Just five minutes ago, I had 117 guys (me and Lord Clais) against 56 guys (Lord Matheas) and he won with 5 guys to spare. My soldiers are firing nonstop but my allies just get completely owned right away and when they reach me for melee, I get destroyed. Plus their cavalry gets like 40% of their kills. Please explain some tactics to deal with these overpowered commies.
The Cossacks might be abit over powered. But I will make it so that they are slower and don't stand that much. But the thing is. Melee is the key of russian tactics. In other words. Brute force. So using light infantry and light cavalry. And avoiding melee as much as possible. And doing quick strikes where they are most vonerable is the best idea. Since the brittish troops. Are better in standing ground than Russians. Since they are easiely picked out in a distance. And the Austrians key of tactics is mobility. The Swedish is distance. The French is a mix of distance, mobility and light troops. But the Brittish as I said. And the french. Are the. "standard" troops trees.
Ya I realized that not firing 1 shot until the ruskies are point blank works like a charm. And just a quick question I don't know much about this time period but when was Bismarck alive?
The Russians do like to charge, but stationing your infantry on a hill or in some tree's works like a charm, send any cavalry you have out to attack and spread out there forces makes it alot easier to.

I dont think the Russians are overpowered really,  they just need different tactics when fighting them. Its good to have factions fight differently to each other, so its not a clone war.
Yes this was my intention when doing the faction. Though. People don't seem to understand that this mod is made for exploring new tactics and strategies on the battlefield. And only the best can survive. But. No. They want it easy.
Venitius said:
Use heavy cavalry and massed musketry. Cossack are incredibly overpowered. I loathe them. Which is why I created the KGL Light Dragoon and the KGL L.D. Officer, who use decent, heavy swords and are dedicated melee cavalry.

Appreciated Hug..plzz...

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