who'se got the best looking bg2 file ?? ;)

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ok i've done my own bg2 picture because i didn't fancy the original one
i'll put here the url to see the pic and i invite others who changed their bg2 or any other files like that to show their creations

will do that and will show you some of my other work
have seen what ryuta did - liked those very much nice combo of colors
How about this?


I've re-designed entire interface and window backscreens, though it made Zendar looks strange (Wall3.dds, the file used for background in Character sheet is also used in many buildings).

By the way, just a constructive critism, try to make thing not dark. Most of type used in windows are black so dark background is very hard. My first attempt has black background so I couldn't see any message!
nice pic ryuta
yes had the same problem with the dark colors didn't even see restore button
but i fixed that with good old photoshop and you can see messages now
besides the only other window in witch this shws up is when u attack
and u can see, not very clearly but can;
this i made at the begining only for the first menu the one with exit do windows button didn't realise that the image is used somewhere else
That's cool. I like the dragon.

Yes. Armagan have strange way to use Background files. For example, Inventry window. In game, it was devided in three parts. In file, you can see only two parts. If I remember correctly, left half of inventry_window.jpg is re-used to make the rightmost part of the Invently window.
Also buttoms were used in such a way that it nearly killed me. Can you imagine he used two separate buttoms for 'edit face' and 'statistic' in character sheet? I had thought they were the same buttom.

So if you want to re-make other windows, or interface, be careful.
thnx for telling me!! didn't know myself what was wrong and left those untouched
did however change other files like dialogue_window that didn't have any sneaky little catch!!
now that i know what is what will try it again and this time will succede

btw that pic was too small (i mean it was a bmp and they resized it)
fixed that now:
update here said i will show u more of my work well here it is:
a modified dialog_window :


i will put more as soon as i have more time at my disposal as i'm not home (so it's hard to get them)
nice pic borispavlovgrozny, nice indeed
as promised some more of my pics (not bg2) :


Hey, alot of those are pretty cool. The one with Bombatu from mag-7 looks like Bombatu is turning blue, somebody get some CPR going.

If anyone has the skill and inclination to do a magnificent seven one with maybe 6 or 7 hero looking guys in the artwork Id appreciate it. Get your name in lights, famous maybe.... or not.
ToSHIro said:
i invite others who changed their bg2 or any other files like that to show their creations
I did something like this a while back, although the background file isn't as impressive as some of the the others posted in this thread...

nice pics Kestenvarn
strange color but i think il works pretty good.
i especially like the inventory window which is used also in the troops window.
one question though.....my dds converter will not work so i can't really modify any more buttons and other stuff
is there any plug-in for photoshop or any other way for me to use what the dds files contain ??

oh btw ancientwanker bombatu looks like that because the mod i used for that image is kingdom of heaven (i don't remember the name of who upload it .....sorry) and there the face of king baldwin is used on multiple npc-s that obviously need cpr after i kill them ;>

soon i shall show u the quests window in my vision
oh and another question where is default-texture used? i don't seem to be able to understand.
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