Who's the captain in an army fight? What companions perks perk who up?

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When I enter battle with an army party with me I'm presented the Order of battle screen, which I can't interact with. The tool tip says I will control all formations. HOWEVER, the portrait of my companion who leads the party in my army is shown over the Horse archer formation. This worries me as I don't know if the "Captain" on my HA formation is supposed to be this companion or is the (far better) one in my party at the top of the list in formation 4?

I usually just let my parties run wild, but I'm leveling leadership so this is concerning to me. It's very important to know who's captain perks are being considered in the fight and also choosing them for companions! For instance my swift girl can take Sagittarius or sweeping wind, now if she can be arbitrarily put as captain of HA then Sagi is needed, but other wise Sweeping wind is better for her for when free roaming.

Also I just assumed that when I do an army battle, my companion captains (in my party) would apply their captain perks to all the troops they're grouped with(as I control all formations), but is this so? Or do the troops only actually in my party get these benefits?

How does it all work! The more I play the less I know!
your worst assumptions are correct. only the ones listed as captain in the army screen before battle are actually captains that provide their perk bonuses. this means captain perks are pretty useless to the player and completely useless to the companions in your own party
your worst assumptions are correct. only the ones listed as captain in the army screen before battle are actually captains that provide their perk bonuses. this means captain perks are pretty useless to the player and completely useless to the companions in your own party
So I get pigeon holed into 1 type of unit for my army companion (and self), unless I can figure to how to determine who gets captain of what in battle.
If we could have full transparent control it would be 1000% better. I sit there looking at perks for so long and they hardly matter :sad:
So wait if I'm not in army the captain thing doesn't apply and my companions are essentially overpriced to units draining my economy and providing almost no value?
If I understand correctly, when you're NOT in an army you can control who's captain perks effect which formation by putting that person in the group at the top of the list. For instance I put brother in 4 at the top and expect to have his perks active for HA buff. This has been my understanding but the game doesn't give you direct feedback so.... I hope so.
Why speculate when we have code (1.5.5 dlls).

If the order of battle screen is shown:
All the party leaders are added to a list if they are heroes.
They are sorted based on sergeant score, clan tier * 20 (or 100 if the hero is a clan leader) + 2000 if the hero is the leader of a kingdom + parties in army * 200 if the hero is the leader of the army + the number of non wounded characters in its party.
public override int GetCharacterSergeantScore(Hero hero)
    int num = 0;
    num += hero.Clan.Tier * ((hero == hero.Clan.Leader) ? 100 : 20);
    if (hero.Clan.Kingdom != null && hero.Clan.Kingdom.Leader == hero)
        num += 2000;
    if (hero.PartyBelongedTo != null)
        if (hero.PartyBelongedTo.Army != null && hero.PartyBelongedTo.Army.LeaderParty == hero.PartyBelongedTo)
            num += hero.PartyBelongedTo.Army.Parties.Count * 200;
        num += hero.PartyBelongedTo.MemberRoster.TotalManCount - hero.PartyBelongedTo.MemberRoster.TotalWounded;
    return num;
The list is then iterated over until either every party leader has been considered or all formations have a captain. Depending on the heroes equipment they may not lead certain formations.
private Formation ChooseFormationToLead(IEnumerable<Formation> formationsToChooseFrom, Agent agent)
            bool hasMount = agent.HasMount;
            bool hasRangedWeapon = agent.GetHasRangedWeapon(false);
            List<Formation> list = formationsToChooseFrom.ToList<Formation>();
            while (list.Any<Formation>())
                Formation formation = list.MaxBy((Formation ftcf) => ftcf.QuerySystem.FormationPower);
                if ((hasRangedWeapon || (!formation.QuerySystem.IsRangedFormation && !formation.QuerySystem.IsRangedCavalryFormation)) 
                && (hasMount || (!formation.QuerySystem.IsCavalryFormation && !formation.QuerySystem.IsRangedCavalryFormation)))
                    return formation;
            return null;
So you can influence it somewhat with their equipment.

Then the normal captain assignment takes place.
If a formation does not have a captain the formation is searched for the first active (not dead/unconscious/panicked) hero and assigns it as captain. The same happens whenever a captain panics or is killed/knocked out.

So the captains on the order of battle screen will get chosen until they are replaced with another hero from the formation. If no captain was selected on the order of battle screen the formation should be searched for a hero in the formation to be assigned.

Which party the captain or unit belong to does not matter, the captains perks apply to the whole formation.

You could either kill/knock the captains until the correct ones are chosen or hope someone makes a captain assignment mod (shouldn't be that hard to make).
So the captains on the order of battle screen will get chosen until they are replaced with another hero from the formation. If no captain was selected on the order of battle screen the formation should be searched for a hero in the formation to be assigned.

Which party the captain or unit belong to does not matter, the captains perks apply to the whole formation.
Wonderful! Thank you so much! I gave my Swift the Sagittarius perk and the next battle she was on cavalry not HA and I said ****!?
But it was actually okay because it should have defaulted them to the brother who I intended for them in my party list, if I understand correctly.
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