who solo here? post your hints and tips for solo playing

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i play a nomadic archer on a spirited courser. i switch to shield and watered-steel nomad sabre that i love to ride and cut down enemy horsemen. . I occasionally use a glaive on foot if there are too many enemy horses. remember...always hit and run, divid and confuse.
I know this dosent count as soloing but I took on 90 vaegirs with like 15 men(mostly mounted)

ya. I did it
If on foot: Good athletics, light equipment (well with 8 athletics you can use full reinforced black if you find it :wink:), long weapon, shield, throwing weapon (goes well with the shield).
I like to go for horse archery and achery and arm myself witha khergit bow, khergit armor steppe cap and a spirited steppe horse, and a scimitar as secondary weapon and 2 large bags of bodkin arrows. I also tend to develop my pathfinding so I can avoid those that are too strong
I usually go for 8 athletics with little to no armor, because then I can just about dodge any attacks if I concentrate enough. I don't put any points into charisma, and just grab any weapons I can. Also, I usually use just bows and arrows, with a fast weapon like an Arming sword or Scimitar for quick attacks, but that doesn't usually matter because I can easily outpace most enemies with the high athletics.

The only problem is if I set the battle slider to the right- I have to guerilla on the enemies and that takes ages to get through. :neutral: ESPECIALLY war parties with groups of over 100. That is not pretty at all. Also, I tend to pour the rest of my points in Strength and power draw, as well as Iron Flesh.

Enemy projectiles can be dodged, but sometimes I get too caught up and Iron Flesh is my sort of fall back plan. It's incredibly insane to be moving so fast that the enemies can't make a good attack on you. Side steps dodge vertical attacks, horizontal attacks you can just run forward full speed and you can out maneuver it, stabs are like vertical attacks. I usually am not hit, but there's rare instances. Dodging horses is also simple, some times I can even catch up if they slow down a little. o_O

Sometimes I even go full archery, with 3 large bags of arrows and a longbow, and just dodge appropriately. Shield enemies aren't a trouble because I can shoot faster than they can attack, and even if they attack, I can just dodge it. :grin: I usually don't use a horse, because I kinda prefer staying on foot. Aiming on a horse just feels weird, plus I didn't put points into Horse Archery...
I solo. Use the long-bow till my large bag of arrows is out, then whip out my spiked mace and beat the snot out of pirates. Arrrrr...

Once I advance to a more comfortable level, I'll go for my saber and an anti-mount weapon of some sort.
Invictus said:
Spirited charger, Heavy Great Axe, Throwing Daggers. One hit - one deadman. If somebody is trying to run away, throw your daggers.
Invictus, love the crazy old Iron Maiden, I've formed a small church based on their writings. Shirley I'm not serious.
Veragon said:
I usually don't use a horse, because I kinda prefer staying on foot. Aiming on a horse just feels weird, plus I didn't put points into Horse Archery...

I you have 6 points in horse archery you can aim as easy on horseback as on foot even whilst gallopping (spelling)

this was me vs 21 river pirates (I know they are the weakest bunch but still, it's a nice example)

True warriors do not use anykind of armor(you still need high athletics)! Only trusted Balanced Bastard Sword and War Bow + alot of arrows. I can slay even the Swadians largest Warparties.
I solo actually usually. Thus I have always full party whit me, I just order them to "Hold Position". this is to get them lvl's whitout they dying and this way enemy come usually whit bigger parties.

So, I just use my Heavy War Horse that has good charge, Plate armor (darn, havent found better) and Heavy Great Axe. Enemy horses are easy, they are soooo easy to hit when they run toward me and my axe kills usually whit one or two hits. Footmans are also easy, I just run through them swinging my axe whit crazy look on my eye. Olny problem are Archers because War Horse is so damn slow.. but I manage. somehow. sometimes..

That Heavy Great Axe pisses me off. I got it when I was lvl 9 and havent now at lvl 40 found any better.
I use no armor at all, have ten athletics, five in horse archery, four in pwoer strike, ten in power draw.. five leadership.

35 agility, 20 strength. Balanced sword of War and War Bow 2 bags of Bodkin arrows...
i soloed once....it was fun attack them tdo as much damge retreat and start the process over, especially if you can kill alltheir archers in first round then find a place wher it hard for them to reach you dismount, shoot them with crossbows, by the time they get near, mount your horse and move to another location (if they have horse they shouldnt be smart enough to follow you up certain places)
I have a solo unmounted fighter with a bastard sword, throwing daggers, a spear, and a shield. The spear slaughters cavalry. The sword slaughters infantry. The throwing daggers slaughter unshielded morons. The shield slaughters my soul.
Infantry solo is (and should be :grin: ) very hard on large battlesizes. You need rugged terrain where cavalry cannot charge you easily. Against khregits, a footman is in a world of pain.

On foot:
I have a steel shield, bastard sword, awlpike and throwing daggers.

On horse I have a steel shield, Bastard sword, bow and bodkin arrows.

If they only let us ground pikes....
Reiel said:
I use no armor at all, have ten athletics, five in horse archery, four in pwoer strike, ten in power draw.. five leadership.

35 agility, 20 strength. Balanced sword of War and War Bow 2 bags of Bodkin arrows...

why 35 agility? the abilities from agility do not go beyond lvl 10 (hence 30 agility is the highest useful agility level).
Yep, in about ten more levels, I can run as fast as a horse without armor, and only a bastard sword.
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