Who needs X-Ray glasses?

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That is awesome! Hahahaha!!!

I'll be getting myself one of these as soon as I can get my hands on one. :razz:

Just so I can see if people are wearing pieces of paper with writing underneath their clothes ... not because I'm a pervert!
Narcissus said:
Just so I can see if people are wearing pieces of paper with writing underneath their clothes ... not because I'm a pervert!

Yes, of course. *cough* :smile:

Check out the manufacturer's homepage, they have other examples, including a video clip of one of the... questionable... uses for it.
Already been there. The only reason I haven't ordered the lens is because in that video clip ... that girl is young and they didn't hide her face. :evil:

True, you can't really see anything ... but that isn't the point.

Anyways ... the lens is only $152.50 + shipping which is another $50 or so. Tempting ... I just might get it. :razz:

I thought some of the other examples were pretty cool, like seeing through spilled ink and the way those sunglasses looked perfectly transparent. Looks like a nifty geek gadget to play around with.
But the main focus of their examples is pretty obvious. :grin:
ill just be honest. i want them because i'm a perv!

edit:I need a girlfriend whose name doesn't end in .jpg = lmao
edit2: just stole it to use as my msn sig :cool:
Nairagorn said:
Eh. Nothing any IR camera can't do. My buddies $100 camcorder does the same thing.

I didn't know this!

I have an extremely high dollar digital cam-corder and digital camera. Had I known that other cameras and cam-corders were able to do this ... I would have bought one of those instead!

If people are wearing pieces of paper with writing underneath their clothes ... I need to know!!
Oh... my... god...

Hell I'm not even looking at this from a voyeuristic standpoint, this is just something that it never even occured to me was possible! Although I suppose now that I've looked over the physics of it, I should have seen how this could work years ago, if only on a theoretical basis.
okiN said:
I had the impression that these were used at some airports?

Yeah but I was under the impression that the device for that was large and bulky are required certain lighting conditions... a camera filter is a different story.
Had I known that other cameras and cam-corders were able to do this

Does the camera have an IR function? Like I said, a friend of mine had a cheap one with IR built in. There's nothing special here, just an IR filter. This has been around for years.

Hell, check out the Paris Hilton video (no, I won't put up a link or send it to you, she doesn't do anything for me), notice how you can see her veins through her skin? Same deal.
Nairagorn said:
Had I known that other cameras and cam-corders were able to do this

Does the camera have an IR function? Like I said, a friend of mine had a cheap one with IR built in. There's nothing special here, just an IR filter. This has been around for years.

Hell, check out the Paris Hilton video (no, I won't put up a link or send it to you, she doesn't do anything for me), notice how you can see her veins through her skin? Same deal.

They called this "near-infrared", I guess because it is a reduced version, which is actually more useful since it only sees through the first layer.
omg i need this glasses as im a perv 15 y/o boy :razz:
But (un)fortunatly i don't have enough money and my cam isnt good enough....
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