Who is this person?

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My thread is maybe putted on wrong forums, but I want to everyone know this person. This post is pointed for developers though (if this topic matters, lock it and move it to mod forums). Also I used search.

I was editing my own mod conversation.txt. I copyed the Native folder Conversation.txt and I started edit it whit Python.

What I found, was interesting: dlg_0 65620 190  0 It's_nothing._Keep_walking.  6  0
dlg_0 85 1  1 31 33554575 0 0 Please_{sir/madam},_you_must_help_me!
_They_are_going_to_kill_me_if_you_don't!  191  1 20033 33554575 1 0
dlg_0 65621 191  0 Easy_now._Noone_can_harm_you_as_long_as_I_am_here.  192  0
dlg_0 85 192  0 Oh,_is_that_true?_God_bless_you_{sir/madam}...  193  0
dlg_0 65621 193  0 Now_calm_down_and_tell_me_who's_after_you.  194  0
dlg_0 85 194  0 I_don't_know..._bad_men..._please_let_me_come_with_you...  195  0
dlg_0 65621 195  0 What?_Do_you_want_to_join_my_party?  196  0
_Please,_You_must_let_me_come_with_you...  197  0
dlg_0 65621 197  0 All_right...  198  0
dlg_0 85 198  0 Oh,_thank_you...  199  0
dlg_0 65621 199  1 101 0 0 0 What_is_your_name?  200  0
dlg_0 85 200  0 Ymira.  201  0

So, who is this girl? I can't find it from anywhere. And take a note: This is Native's conversation.txt. I haven't put nothing in, only have edited names and some dialogs.
Isn't that the third hero? Wasn't she in .632 or something? Or am I just High again?

Jerky said:
Isn't that the third hero? Wasn't she in .632 or something? Or am I just High again?


Yeah, that's third hero, but I'm not sure is she from .632.
Oh yes she was, That I am sure of now.
So maybe some old timer could tell what version it was, and why she was removed?

Hmm, Marnid and Borcha have been on every versions? If they not, other guy has come over the girl!!!!11
Name:  DaLagga
Posts:  1116 (2.762 per day)
Position:  Sergeant Knight at Arms
Date Registered:  May 04, 2005, 01:17:15 pm

How much older do you need?
If you go back far enough in the suggestions, you'll see some (not much) evidence of ymira being around. Dalagga's too young for that I think, you should try someone like pavlov.
Ingolifs said:
If you go back far enough in the suggestions, you'll see some (not much) evidence of ymira being around. Dalagga's too young for that I think, you should try someone like pavlov.

Ok, then we must ask that from him.
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