Who Do You Look Up To On Taleworlds?

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A'ight, so the question is simple. These forums are too negative, and so...
Who do you look up to? Who on this forum do you hold in high respect, admire... who do you want to meet?

Personally, I have a high respect for Selothi, Pavlov, Redcoat-Mic, Archonsod, Locke, Janus, and... others I've mostly forgotten.

Addendum: Forgot to include Moss and James on the list. Possibly Highlander as well, though I don't know him too well.

Show some love.
I luv u too, Lyze. Also, Alex can be good sometimes. Anyone else ? Hmm, probably, can't think of them, TBH.
Janus is nice. James is a smart guy too and he seems stable enough to say hello to.

The people I want to meet that I know from the forum are hayabusa, FoD, Elenmare, Lyze and Merlkir's sister (:razz:).

Possibly some others too. Mic sounds like fun, but I doubt he would be very welcoming to me if we met.
I look up to Buxton! I want to meet Moss too, actually. Then I'd karate chop his throat in such a way that his problem with dust or whatever will be fixed.  :grin:
I don't look up to anyone, but I hold Archonsod in high regard, and I tend to like a lot of posts by Lhorkan and d'sparil
Janus, mainly because hes like 17 feet tall. I'd totally love to meet Seff, and meat Llandy.

Edit: tho all yall niggas is cool and i'd hang out with most of you. Sept Ilex, at least until he shaves off the uni-burn.
Well Mel gibson doesn't reside on these forums.

So i'm gonna hafta go with anyone who agrees that he rocks.
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