Who are you fighting for?

Who are you fighting for?

  • Varghirs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Swadians

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I prefer to fight for no man but myself

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd fight for another faction, if it was available

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Swadians all the way!

Would be nice to see some more neutral towns, perhaps being picked on by the larger empires
Varghirs. Though, it was basically 50/50 on my part.
I was checking out both sides, and there doesn't seem to be much of a difference.
I happened to be in a Varghir town when I decided I'd join someone.

Though I'd much rather be a bandit. :smile:
I play for Swadians... for now, at least :smile:.
Hmm, someone should edit his post :razz: No, a LOT of people should do so.
Damn, you can't spell Vaegirs after seeing it like 100 times or so? It's unbelievable, you give the game so much praise, and then don't pay attention how one of the main factions of the game is called. It's a shame...
Unless I have unique version, and it'a Varghirs for everybody else.
I fought for the Vaegirs in my first two tries, because they're so close to the starting position and they're quite good, really. :razz:
True. It should be Vaegir. I did check the spelling by visiting the game before I wrote the poll, but it looks like I still got it wrong. I should've written it down.

Edit: Unfortunately the poll options can no longer be edited.

Damn, you can't spell Vaegirs after seeing it like 100 times or so? It's unbelievable, you give the game so much praise, and then don't pay attention how one of the main factions of the game is called. It's a shame...

Well! Aren't you arrogant!? Balor, get off your high horse.

Yes, I have praised the game, but I've also often said how the factions and towns (and people) names are annoyingly generic. That's why I'm not paying attention to them. I don't really care whether they call their settlement Town1 or something from a B-class sci-fi movie. The world lacks depth and immersion. At the moment. It will probably be fixed.

When you see me praising the world and then making such "heinous" mistakes, I welcome you to correct me.
Well, I'm making mistakes myself, and when I do, I feel ashamed about them, not blame them on someone else :razz:.
And besides, it's not a single mistake that ticked me off - but the fact that all those that posted afterwards repeated it. And, heh, not that I've branded your heretics or something. I've just expressed my concern, that's all.
And there is no way I'm getting of my charger - I've spend 20k for it not to walk on foot :grin:.
Vaegirs - the reason being every time I went near the Swadian towns I seemed to get a gang of raiders chasing me. It seemed safer :oops:

It looked like the Vaegirs had a bigger war party at the time too, I love getting the Swadian war party to follow my party down to the Vaegirs and starting a big fight :grin:
I joined the Swadians in my latest game and it's far more problematic - I keep getting caught by Vaegir troops when I try to reach Zendar again.
Vaegirs units are better, cause they have bows and can use it from horses. Ranger units are more usefull in battle than stupid knights, wich are rushing to stuck by one in the middle of bunch of simple bandits, and get killed(Armagan, fix those AI, please). Logically, that vaegirs bowmen are better on horses(additionally, encreasing party movement speed) than swadian crossbowmen on feet. But...

...about sides. I can't see the differences between Vaegirs and Sawadians. I don't know what they fight for. Clear way - war is politics - money, power, national claim... But at least counts would have more personality. I want fight for a person. I want see his character. Or I want to see clear national claims. I'm ready to be a pawn in politics games. :smile:

(Correct my grammar, windmill fighters.)
Quoting Suhe-Bator:

Suhe-Bator said:
Vaegirs units are better, cause they have bows and can use it from horses. Ranger units are more usefull in battle than stupid knights, wich are rushing to stuck by one in the middle of bunch of simple bandits, and get killed(Armagan, fix those AI, please). Logically, that vaegirs bowmen are better on horses(additionally, encreasing party movement speed) than swadian crossbowmen on feet. But...

I use my two-handed-sword to destroy other sentient life in MB (no wussy bow, though I am using one in Darklands on my dosbox and may try to use one on ES IV if that Thief kid gets his act straight). I assume Gothic III (if they release it in the US before it becomes anachronostic ((notice I am playing Darklands))-) will maintain missile weapons as a pleasantly diversionary summer-vacation-style leave-of-absence from the Awesome Magic Show and fearsomely satisfying fighter-melee-gladiatoresque Brute Strength Tourny. So yeah, maybe I want Vaegirs to support me for the alleged "superior riding skill, better equipment, and markedly improved marksmanship" reasons... Well, I have often sided with the Vaegirs, yet most of my army is typically Swadian: knights, men-at-arms, a few crossbowmen. I try to attack prisoner trains who are carrying My Kind, in a move that often determines when the gameplay becomes too easy on the most difficult settings, but they prove to be just way too Swadiantific to mesh with my long-term Vaegir-centric stategy.

Of course, I am just the Lord of Zendar. What could I know?

"CtN... He got loose again?! That rat-bastard!!"
I just argued on the question of strategy. But I keep my followers only for reason to go into action instead of non-optional surrender(NB!) to 50 dark knights for example. I order to hold position and rushing myself on enemy squadrons, shreding them with Balanced Sword of War and neatly shooting from a distance.

Btw, I never saw better archery realization then it is in M&B.
Whoever dosen't have Dark Knights as prisoners... My party consists of them and now it's better that dark hunters evolve into dark knights
I fight only for myself, switching sides when it suits me, so what if I lose my rank or some cash bribing the Counts and such. As long as they leave me to do whatever I want. Ever demanded that a prisoner train on your side release it's prisoners? I have. Switching sides after aiding your allies in capturing Dark Knights is a good strategy too.
Well I finally made it to level 25 and I sided with the Swadians, I'll probably get beat real bad now but as Captain Kirk once said "We have to try......its our nature." HAHA.
I am Fighting for myself at the minute, although i am currently in the Swadian army i have paid off the Varghirs so i have no beef with them and my army consists of both Varghir and Swadian troops, i mainly escort and rescue damsels in distress and every now and then i get to whoop some bandit butt.
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